Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi Poems

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The Arrival Of A Great Teacher!

The stars shine brighter in the sky,
The nights are getting darker without shy,
The uninvited sun peeps from different angle,
The fluid water freezes in the mid air to float and fall,

My Father's Bench!

Dad was sitting on the bench in the verandah,
Looking at the people who passed by the road,
He might have been searching for the children,
That he had reared and sent them to foreign,

Like Father Like Son!

My daddy has been busy all the while,
Holding the laptop on his dispel,
Sucking the milk bottle, I looked at him,
He smiled, smiled and smiled.

Below Your Waist..

The chakras below my waist,
Never ruled my strong head,
The chakras from the head to waist,
Guarded with the input of love,


The home must be pleasant for you and me,
Cold in summer and warm in winter,
The heart must be windy for you and me,
Breezy in love and stormy for the evils,


When ruthless justification is done,
Even every evil becomes a saint,
To make their own mind, a field,
Full of colorful roses holding thorns,

A Child From The Rain Forest!

I am a tribal child, living in the forest thrones,
Where fireflies light the mangrove crowns,
The sago trees are here to be the granules of starch,
The hungry crocodiles in the water look for our tiny limbs,

Spring Cleaning..

Sleep, the little hearts around the world,
In the comfort of your mother's laps,
the world that we will leave behind,
For you, the future youth to feel and handle.

The Day You Started To Walk

Baby, When you were eight months old,
you were thin and enterprising,
liked to know about everything,
that were kept at heights and locked,

Grown Up Kids..

The city full of neon and xenon,
Vaporizing old mercury,
As the inert gases are the best,
Not to feel the love of electrons.

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