Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson Poems

A daughter is beauty at its finest.
Heart of an angel, soul so pure, and sweet.

A little girl stood crying as the father beat the mother,
next to the girl stood her older sister, and older brother.
Alcohol was the demon that drove the beating hand,
the mother bruised, and sobbing cowards from the man.

America is red, white, and blue,
the colors that stand so brave, and true.
Men in battle facing death,
Men in the world provoking crime, and theft.

In life he loved,
in death he wept.
In life he hated,
in death he waited.

When ye walked into the room I knew from the start,
oh how thee, my sweet prince, had stolen my heart.
The look thou bestowed upon me from where thou did stand,
froze time in a magical way as only true love can.

Child of love, child so bright,
child whose beauty out shines the light.

I watched you walk to, and fro,
I watched you play in rain, and snow.
I saw you in the early dawn,
I climbed the steps you stepped upon.

My children, my children how my heart doeth feel fear,
as the soldiers come with the destruction ever so near,
I weep for my future, I weep for my friends,
I weep for the lives that will be lost in the end.

Though I only had you for a month, that time though short,
will remain in my heart, and mind for a lifetime.
You were so young, sweet, adorable.
You smiled, even up until the end.

Belle Etoile, Belle Etoile, my most Belle Etoile, the glorious Etoile,
you my, Beautiful Star, my show horse, are my pride and joy.
You came from Heaven on a thunder of smoke,
and as you gently whined into a gallop you broke.

Though I'm surround by people, some good, some bad,
Some funny, and sweet, some like me who are lonely and sad.
My problem first social, to fit right in,
Drinking soon turned into my very best friend.

Dear Jane;
This card I'm sending may make you blue,
I hate to admit it, but I don't love you.
There's another woman in my life,

Your smile, your eyes,
are brighter than the summer sun, .
you're the only one for me.
If we could be together,

Sweat trickles down ye filthy face,
fear shows in thine eyes as ye watch thy victim
begin to slowly crawl towards the slightly opened barn door,
crying out pitifully for help which will never come.

The young bride sits alone in her house,
waiting for her farm hand husband to return to her lonely bosom.
Enters the husband, tired, and cranky.
He goes to the stereo, hooks up his headphones,

I watched him as he removed his shirt,
that hunk of loven, James T. Kirk.
So young, and fine, oh what a man,
my lustful brain did concoct a plan.

Jessica, dear Jessica, how lovely thou be,
a vision of Heaven, a princess be thee.
Born of a family, filled with great love,
Mother, and father, each day, thank

Gracie a child, one of Jesus' little lambs,
I pray you're in God's protecting hands.
Sweet, and precious, a joy, and delight,
I pray that soon you'll be all right.

Ye have opened up our sleeping minds, and reached deeply into our souls.
Ye have touch our hearts, and doeth scare us in ways we could never have known.
Fear that doeth not come from night, ye doeth bestow upon us in small, delicately spiced frightful illusions.
Running away from spooks in fear, we've gotten many bruises, and contusions.

My heart feels so troubled by the things that fate has done,
I love you dear brother, to me you're number one.
I set here by myself, your picture in my hand,
thinking about you living in another land.

Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson Biography

Born in the small rural town of, Ripley, Tennessee, on November 21,1961. Pewee only weighed 3 lb.3 oz. She was so tiny that her mother had to use men's handkerchiefs for diapers on her. She was the youngest of three children, born to, Peggy Ann Hale, and Raymond Hale. At 5 months of age her parents moved the family to, Chicago, IL. where, Pewee, would live most of her life until she was 20 yrs. Old and she, and her mother made their final, and permanent move to Tennessee. She did live in Memphis, Tennessee for a brief time during the 70's. Her mother was Cherokee, Apache, and Creek Indian, as well as French, Irish, Jewish, German, and Portuguese. Her father whose people hail from England, and are of noble lineage was of course of English decent. She wrote a gossip column for, 'The Crockett Times', in the mid 80's, her pay was a free newspaper each week. She was also a weather watcher for channel 13 TV of Memphis, Tennessee, and channel 7 of Jackson, Tennessee. The meteorologists for those channels were, Jim Jaggers, and Gary Pickens. She wed on 11-26-86 to Mr. Ricky Sherman Johnson, of Maury City, Tennessee. On April 27,1991 She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Skylar Ricky Harris Johnson. She got her first poem published in an anthology in 1997, and has had numerous poems published since. She has also won several awards, and has somewhat of a fan follow. She loves all animals, and has many. Her favorite animal is an iguana. She loves to read mysteries, and horror books. She began writing back in 1970. When writing a poem she is known to first make a draft, and then treat the poem like a puzzle, she slowly tear it down, and then proceeds to build it into a picture which she hopes will then be seen as art to those who read it. A lot of people think they can't write poetry. What then is poetry, but words to say what is in one's heart. Pewee, is also a compition photograph, and has had one of her favorite picture entitled - 'Sleep My Precious Sky' published in the anthology 'A New Begining' which came out, April 2005. 'The National Library Of Poetry' publishing company)

The Best Poem Of Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson

A Daughter Through The Eyes Of A Father

(Dedicated to Bww and his 7 yr. Old daughter)

A daughter is beauty at its finest.
Heart of an angel, soul so pure, and sweet.
Daughters are one of God's most precious gifts that he has bestowed upon the world.
Angels in Heaven do not compare to thine beauty, and grace my ever so beautiful, and lovely daughter.
Seeing you at birth brought more joy to me
than all the money in the world could ever do.
You are morning, bright, and shining,
you are noon, you reside at the highest point in my heart,
you are the dew kissed night.
You are my daughter, heart, and soul.

Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson Comments

Tania Slother 19 May 2004

Dear Pewee, you have this amazing gift, and I just wanted to express that to you, keep them coming and I'll keep reading them...........LULU

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Velmar Pewee Hale Johnson 04 October 2003

The Poem 'Pastor Bill' was inspired by Pastor William (Bill) Lickliter, and his wife Shelly, of 'Milan First Assembly Of God', in Milan, Tennessee, where I am proud to be a member. Pastor Bill, and sister Shelly are two of the truest christians I've ever met. The poem 'God's Precious Gift' was inspired by their granddaughter, Naomi, which is the daughter of their eldest son Jacob, and wife Lori Lickliter.

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I now live in Maury City, Tennessee. I hope everyone enjoys my poetry because I think its says a lot about me.

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Jackie Aasen 27 April 2003

You are very talented.

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