Vera Sidhwa Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Pollution

Love kissed,
Ego killed.
When love flung it's arms around him,
Ego unlocked them to push them away.

Playing Musical Chairs Everyday

I play musical chairs everyday,
Shifting from one corporate seat,
To another that had just emptied out for me.

Fried A Bat For Lunch

Today I fried a bat for lunch,
Which I got myself to munch and munch,
His cape shaped wings,
His mousy head.

My Water Fountain

I drank glasses of water,
I drank water from office coolers.
Many people drank from water fountains.

My Pen Ran Away With Mmm-Yyy Stories

My pen had a story already fixed in it.
It held my hand, instead of mine holding it.
I asked the pen why that was necessary.
Why it had to run-write with my own words.

My Hair Just Hung Like That

My beautiful hair just hung like that.
It mattered that others' looked neater.
But I was like the rockband people,
Who realized where genius lay.

Chasing A Dried Leaf Down The Freeway

I chased a dried leaf on the freeway,
The long and twisty freeway of fun.
This dry leaf knew no speed limit,
Nor laws of the road, over which many cars would run.

Writing Manic

Fingers fly across plane speed
Creating phrases at neuron speed
Speed thoughts in chemical dispersion
Concepts in literary immersion

Cover Song

Making your way in this corrupt world, takes every
Ounce of strength.

Love Is Not On My Karmic Agenda

Love is not on my karmic agenda.
No love scheduled for the rest of my time.

I've been through silent love,

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