Vincent Topp

Vincent Topp Poems

Never wished I had, what other people have, until now
Never took life for granted, always respected its mystery, until now
Never was a doer, I was more a thinker
But I can stay here forever trapped by my thoughts

My entire life has been a lie
Me, the real me
Has been the skater on the fractured ice
Escaped prisoner of my own Alcatraz

Every little red riding hood
Walks into the forest unprepared
Who would expect the wolf
When your heart is the unstained innocence.

This world is my playground, mine
I lockdown the borders, I push the island away from the mainland
Detached myself through choice from this fiction called life
The only realities I acknowledge now are at the end of my own fantasies

Sneezing out solutions
Coughing up emotions
Stirring black coffee soberness
Reality pinching me.

The flames are laughing, arguing, seductive
The words are whispered, shouted and mimed
Adventure without the risks attached
‘How was your day? ’

So I wait for the calm to rise
As I sink into my author's throne
My eyes welded shut
My breathing clicking to attention at silences glare.

I’m the writer of my own life story,
But making up the plot as I go along.
I’m the only actor in my own life story,
No scripted lines, I’ll improvise.

The mountains scratch the sky
Birds of prey shield the sun from unprotected eyes
Nature is secure
Nature is the ruler.

There’s a wind that’s blowing in my face,
As everybody else walk’s with ease,
It’s trying to knock me sideways,
It’s trying to bring me down to my knees;

Silence is deafening, ,
When it’s all that’s left to take in
I know this to be true.
Insanity and paranoia breed,


I watch my own face dissolve into others
Past generations the dna string is unravelled
Previous lives I have lived too, it’s there staring back in their eyes
I implore the memories and feelings to come through me

On his birthday he rose an hour earlier than normal,
He wanted to beat the early morning rush hour traffic.
To a place where he spent a lot of his childhood,
Good thoughts, good fun, good feelings,


I’m the no 1 sniper
You never know I was there
Out of sight, menacing
I waited till I had my breathing like yours

Are we meant to live in an age of information
A world where there is no degrees of separation
So why is there no clearer truths and realisations
The illuminated age has never seemed so in the dark.

The sweetest taste, is bitter now
My purest thoughts are poisoned through.
The ghost of fate, keeps mocking me
Every scar I’ve earnt, every drink I’ve drowned.

I am the shadow
I have outstayed this derelict shell of a supposed human being
I followed, mimicked his slow reactions
I will not be the understudy of a no-one

Just met today
Small talk, the odd probe
Settled on mutual interests
Eyeing up all of the time.

Grown up in the business,
Like their father and his father before.
One was a natural, but the other bled sweat.
They longed to shake off the halo,

When I wake up I ask myself one question,
Who do I want to be today?
Who do I need to be today?
Do I wear my extrovert face,

Vincent Topp Biography

My new collection is called 'Authentic Self' Available on Amazon Poet and writer. Willing and eager to collaborate on other projects as well.)

The Best Poem Of Vincent Topp

Screaming At The Why

Never wished I had, what other people have, until now
Never took life for granted, always respected its mystery, until now
Never was a doer, I was more a thinker
But I can stay here forever trapped by my thoughts
There might be universal truths
There must be a universal equilibrium
But how quickly life can turn a smile into a teardrop
I did nothing wrong
We did nothing wrong
Today is the future that never arrived
Today is the timeline that never materialised
I could happily punch the sun from the sky,
As it dared to show its face today
I want to be numb, far away from this pain.

Looking up
Screaming at the why
Tomorrow will replace
But tomorrow will never replace
The worst day, the worst day of my life

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