Vinod Korappath

Vinod Korappath Poems

On this dark Night, I wish to fly among the wandering clouds..
Who are in search of the Moon as I'm searching You....

There, I see my Queen sleeping calmly

As I looked through My window, It was raining
It was raining Memories....

I opened the door and stood in the balcony....

Love Her the most....
Words starts to hide behind the tears, which will never come out of My Eyes....

Yes, She was a bunch of Deluding Hopes for Me,


I would like to Travel....
Through the boundless boundaries,
the color of this world conquering My senses....

The Feeling Of Loneliness....

The Pangs Of Silence....

The Best Poem Of Vinod Korappath


On this dark Night, I wish to fly among the wandering clouds..
Who are in search of the Moon as I'm searching You....

There, I see my Queen sleeping calmly
with all the beauty of this world...

I will slowly come towards You
and will Kiss Your forehead....

And will have my face close to Yours
So as to feel Your Breaths warmth as Mine....

Without disturbing your calm sleep,
I will slowly whisper in Your ears....

'Oh My dear, Its You whom I loved loves and keep on loving....'

By saying this, for the last time I will kiss Your gentle yet sweet lips to share our breath....,
caring not even a single dropp of my tear to fall on your bright and shining face,
which Lit My life....

Then I will get dissolved in the darkness for a last time....
just like the perfect traveler who doesn't know where He came from and where He's going to....

Leaving trails for no one but to Eternity....

Vinod Korappath Comments

Vinod Korappath 15 June 2012

please go through....

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