Vision Ghost Poems

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Can'T Control This

A weathered format fragmented in my soul today
Hurricanes stormiest passions ungoverned sway
Can anyone else feel this so tears to now thrust?
An augmented absolution founded beyond lust

Another Day Of Today

I squeezed the lemon but it hit me in the left eye
Didn’t sting, just cleansed my perceptions for awhile
At least for a moment before the rage cleared

One Moment, One Time, One Thousand Million Voices

Purest transcending essence to submerge
Assimilate the pausing on the ethereal verge
To hold in a singular entirety of a moment
That but a second so imaginations augment

If Hell Exists

Then let be the ink of mankind to sign Mephistopheles contract
Of the unbinding and forgiving in all that are humanities to retract
All that is sins in war, abuse, an unbridled calculation of violence
Too far gone by jealousy, wrath, loathing to find the repentance

The Umbilical Cord And The Astronaut

Space does happen in the continuum of environments
Though to be located by the daily journal that implements
Walk home from the positive, wonder why I’ve turned negative
When the bubble goes grey, on a somewhat sunny day

Mummy, Daddy, Where Are You?

I can’t remember how I got here
As all I feel is just so much fear
Can’t see anything but darkness
Tied and forgotten in blackness

Stone Face

Came here today and the skies were grey
Sorry I arrived so late I got held up today
At least I remembered the note for to say
Every word I never got a chance in a way

Flash Parallel

Night descend upon starlit city dwell
Committed to evening; the time’s cell
Humanity home to roost, rest, words
As did so a song of much said as birds

No Tears When I Need Them

So much considered and never felt in tongue
Too damned confident in pride for so long
Are my words from mind or heart I don’t know
Not sure if I should just sit here or else go


Light arising when the soul endorses a purest ambience
Touched by the embrace of the sun in warming presence
When I feel the lights hands upon me in soothing touch
Like a sweeping of all things so impure throughout much

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