Warren Falcon Poems

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Uh - Oh - Now You've Done It! - Dithers For Philip Whalen

Philip Whalen writes:

uh - oh
Now you've

an asterisk * denotes a footnote beneath the poem

[NOTE - see the note below the poem about powder dancing, what it was, hopefully still is somewhere in rural towns or back streets in jaded cities where merriment and more could thrive without censure or worse]

Beyond Blossoms, For James Wright - Reprise With Changes

'too full of blossom and green light to care'... 'the light breeze moves me to caress' - James Wright

If you were present, I too would
speak of an encounter upon a

'I come back to the geography of it...
An American is a complex of occasions,
themselves a geometry
of spatial nature.' - from 'Maximus to Gloucester, Letter 27'

But I shall use that 'net' and my still goodly paper and goodly pen to dim whatever ill tides there are and to come, as they surely will, in spite of low wattage, jangle keys on the night watches, read my mystic books, make my prayers with roamers of wards and wharves glancing up considering bridges, edges, silty bottoms. The tides are here even now. But right now I wish to sing a lullaby in protest to those hurting departed, even to those coming ills, that I may sing innocence dumbly back to those who may come ashore again more gently having forgotten enforcing depths insisting them toward resistant yet resolved embraces...

...So breech then, waves. Feet first. Heads in the brine. I shall keep time on your wrinkled toes sticking up from the sand, play peek-a-boo. Then while you sleep I shall harvest gently, place them firmly in that old woman's shoe with 'so many children she didn't know what to do.'

Response To Charles Wright's Lives Of The Saints


I've exchanged Monica's Veil for Rimbaud's

for Louis Zukofsky

'O framar of
the starry circle'

I dunno. Nothingness, as a certain pleasantly odiferous 'je ne sais quoi' as I get older (am now officially old) , is good to settle on (rather, it, that no thing, settles at least ~nyet-me~; Whys (wise?) neither here nor there cuz (cue now trite redundant Gertrude Stein quote) ...but/and, both conjunctions (including dis- and Dys-) Nothingness (the sudden absurdity of a capital 'N') is liberating depending on what it means in various world quarters - I cozy mozy mostly these days, off and on, in previous decades, to ZEN.

Nothing to lose, this rag of selves.

for Ted Berrigan, Edwin B. Jerkin, Verona U. Hasben

'It's time to go mad. It is the day of the apocalpyse
the year of parrot fever! What am I saying?

Response To Bernadette Mayer's 'first Turn To Me...'

you appear without notice and with flowers
I fall for it and we become missionaries

we lie together one night, exhausted couplets

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