White Tiger Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Fire In A Bottle

Fire in a bottle
From the letter I dropped in
As I threw it over the cliff
Into the sea, deep within


Secrets held
From all who tell
Dropping them
In a wishing well

You And I

Holding hands as we walk
Hugging tight as we talk
You and I

Mountain On Fire

I look beyond my balcony
At a mountain coughing smoke
It seems to be in agony
As it has started to choke

My Future Is Sealed

While gentle waves caress the shore
Here I stand, again, once more
Somehow this ocean, brings me back
To a point in time, that I now lack

Go On Without Me

Go on without me, be strong and bold
Leave me behind, I'm tired and old

Go on without me, show me you can

The Jungle

Dense shrubbery so profound
McCaws and monkeys playing around
While a lions roar, shakes the ground
And hyenna's are laughing like circus clowns

Alone By The Sea

I sat on a rock, alone by the sea
I focussed on life and how it would be

The waves caressed the lonely shore

Angel Eyes

Within my thoughts, lies a space
Where no time can erase
It's a thought of your smiling face...

It's Time To Make The Coffey

Got up this morning, very early
Didn't know where I was, eyes opened, barely

My body was in pain, my vision was blurry

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