Will B a Poet Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Don't Water Me

I live on the atmosphere,
created by others.
Nourished somehow by life's curiosities,
contradictions & promise.

La Viola

An instrument of pleasure
vibrations for the palet and the plate,
a flower,
whose colour and beauty radiates,

Engineering A Poem

I lay a foundation of thought
& start constructing some concrete
evidence for my ideas
so that I may build bridges

Beauty In My Eyes

I dont want to look at you for too long.
It might cause me to lose my humanity.
(ignoring your words)
I dont want to desire you.


Somewhere inside an adult is trying to escape the child.
Intent on becoming their true self.
Independent of adults who do not understand,
Because they are too close, claustrophobic & controlling,


The beautiful army
marches over the hill
vibrant colours
& upturned trumpets

The Withered Flower

What were you, as a bud
did you cause others to reminisce
on lost youth and growing old.
In full bloom did you turn heads

Prayer Flags?

Prayer Flags?
Bamboo canes support a screen
labels & instructions in between
on how to grow your own sweet-peas.

Prayer Flags 2

Prayer Flags ragged with trying
to send there message
like a gambler staying form
relying on the 5 elements

Strike A Cord

in the jazz bar, their music portrays a picture, we all struggle to see, through the fog of our imagination.
Canoes are rare in cities, so our thoughts have to stretch all the way to the wilds of Canada & the torrents of water cascading over rocks & rapids, populated by those large leaf like boats for one, fighting to remain upright.

Which brings us back to the city, as many try their best to remain upright, in the torrent of humanity that struggles on a journey, to its destination.

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