William Cowper Poems

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Olney Hymn 48: Joy And Peace In Believing

Sometimes a light surprises
The Christian while he sings;
It is the Lord who rises
With healing on His wings;

O Lord, I Will Praise Thee

(Isaiah, xii.1)

I will praise Thee every day
Now Thine anger's turn'd away;

On A Spaniel, Called Beau, Killing A Young Bird

A spaniel, Beau, that fares like you,
Well fed, and at his ease,
Should wiser be than to pursue
Each trifle that he sees.

Love Increased By Suffering

'I love the Lord,' is still the strain
This heart delights to sing:
But I reply--your thoughts are vain,
Perhaps 'tis no such thing.

Denner's Old Woman

In this mimic form of a matron in years,
How plainly the pencil of Denner appears!
The matron herself, in whose old age we see

Longing To Be With Christ

To Jesus, the crown of my hope,
My soul is in haste to be gone;
O bear me, ye cherubim, up,
And waft me away to His throne!

On An Infant (From The Greek)

Bewail not much, my parents! me, the prey
Of ruthless Ades, and sepulchred here.
An infant, in my fifth scarce finish'd year,

Inscription For A Moss-House In The Shrubbery At Weston

Here, free from riot's hated noise,
Be mine, ye calmer, purer joys,
A book or friend bestows;
Far from the storms that shake the great,

Olney Hymn 37: Temptation

The billows swell, the winds are high,
Clouds overcast my wintry sky;
Out of the depths to Thee I call, -

Epitaph On Mr. Chester Of Chicheley

Tears flow, and cease not, where the good man lies,
Till all who know him follow to the skies.
Tears therefore fall where Chester's ashes sleep;

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