William Cowper Poems

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Horace, Book I. Ode Xxxviii. (2)

Boy! I detest all Persian fopperies,
Fillet-bound garlands are to me disgusting;
Task not thyself with any search, I charge thee,

Joy In Martyrdom

Sweet tenants of this grove!
Who sing without design,
A song of artless love,
In unison with mine:

Watching Unto God In The Night Season (3)

Night! how I love thy silent shades,
My spirits they compose;
The bliss of heaven my soul pervades,
In spite of all my woes.

Olney Hymn 46: Retirement

Far from the world, O Lord, I flee,
From strife and tumult far;
From scenes where Satan wages still
His most successful war.

Olney Hymn 60: Abuse Of The Gospel

Too many, Lord, abuse Thy grace
In this licentious day,
And while they boast they see Thy face,
They turn their own away.

Olney Hymn 55: The Heart Healed And Changed By Mercy

Sin enslaved me many years,
And led me bound and blind;
Till at length a thousand fears
Came swarming o'er my mind.

Olney Hymn 64: Praise For Faith

Of all the gifts Thine hand bestows,
Thou Giver of all good!
Not heaven itself a richer knows
Than my Redeemer's blood.

Olney Hymn 7: Vanity Of The World

God gives his mercies to be spent;
Your hoard will do your soul no good.
Gold is a blessing only lent,
Repaid by giving others food.

Olney Hymn 11: Jehovah Our Righteousness

My God, how perfect are Thy ways!
But mine polluted are;
Sin twines itself about my praise,
And slides into my prayer.

On An Old Woman (From The Greek)

Mycilla dyes her locks, 'tis said:
But 'tis a foul aspersion;
She buys them black; they therefore need

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