William Fowler

William Fowler Poems

When as my minde exemed was from caire,
Among the Nymphis my self I did repose:
Where I gaue eare to one, who did prepaire

William Fowler Biography

William Fowler (c. 1560 – 1612) was a Scottish poet, writer, courtier, and translator, active from 1581 to 1612. He was the son of Janet Fockhart[1] and William Fowler, a well connected Edinburgh burgess. He graduated from St Leonard's College, St Andrews in 1578. By 1581 he was in Paris studying civil law. At this time he published An ansvver to the calumnious letter and erroneous propositions of an apostat named M. Io. Hammiltoun a pamphlet criticising John Hamilton and other catholics in Scotland, who he claimed had driven him from that country. In response two Scottish Catholics, Hamilton and Hay manhandled him and dragged him through the streets to the Collège de Navarre. Following his return to Scotland, he visited London to retrieve some money owed to his father by Mary, Queen of Scots. Here he frequently visited the house of Michel de Castelnau, Sieur de Mauvissiere, where he met Giordano Bruno, currently staying there. He was soon recruited by Francis Walsingham to act as a spy until 1583, by which time he felt his consorting with French Catholics was compromising his religious integrity. His letters to Walsingham mention his widowed mother's concern at his role in London and her moneylending activities. In 1589 he was accompanied by William Schaw on the diplomatic mission to Denmark to arrange the marriage of James VI to Anne of Denmark. He was a paid negotiator for the city of Edinburgh, charged with raising the profile of the burgh. Subsequently he was appointed private secretary and Master of Requests to Anne of Denmark, when she became James VI's queen. He retained these positions when Anne went to England. He wrote an account of the baptism of Prince Henry in 1594 and taught the queen the art of memory, a subject upon which he also wrote a treatise. In 1609 he received a grant of 2,000 acres (8 km²) in Ulster as reward for his services. He was part of a literary circle known as the "Castalian Band", which included Alexander Montgomerie, John Stewart of Baldynneis, Alexander Hume, Thomas and Robert Hudson, and James VI himself. In May 1583, while William was intriguing in London, his sister Susannah Fowler married John Drummond the king's doorkeeper and son of Robert Drummond of Carnock their son was the poet William Drummond of Hawthornden. His nephew bequeathed a manuscript collection of seventy-two sonnets, entitled The Tarantula of Love, and a translation (1587) from the Italian of the Triumphs of Petrarke to the library of the University of Edinburgh. Two other volumes of his manuscript notes, scrolls of poems, etc are preserved among the Drummond manuscripts,currently in the library of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Fowler's poetry was featured in the 1803 publication by John Leyden of Scottish Descriptive Poems. Fowler contributed a prefatory sonnet to James VI's Furies; while James, in return, commended, in verse, Fowler's Triumphs.)

The Best Poem Of William Fowler

I. Sonnet

When as my minde exemed was from caire,
Among the Nymphis my self I did repose:
Where I gaue eare to one, who did prepaire
Her sugred voice this sequele to disclose.
Conveine your selfs (ô sisters) doe not lose
This passing tyme which hasteth fast away:
And thow who wrytes in stately verse and prose,
This glorious Kings immortall gloire display.
Tell how he doeth in tender yearis essay
Aboue his age with skill our arts to blaise.
Tell how he doeth with gratitude repay
The crowne he wan for his deserued praise.
Tell how of Ioue, of Mars, but more of God.
The gloire and grace he hath proclaimed abrod.

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