Xana Mori Poems

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Sweet recalling of best times,
Digging up all memories
Vivid remnants passing by
Kill the prejudice for real


…and you're spellbound by May's charms
Inhaling softness of the breeze
A butterfly upon your arm
Keeps the secret of the apple-trees.

Starlit Night

Сrystal drops of sacred tears
Are scattered over blackened sky
Sparkling dots in cold light years
Forewarning greet you ere night ride

For Thee, My Precious, I Do Dwell

For Thee, my precious, I do dwell
Thy heart is mine, eternally unclosed
Love's just like an old cold well
Sometimes like doorless course.


The mortal voice of nightly silence deafens me -
So far away from you, so far and near my love,
The fount of emotions deeply hidden inside
Bursts up within bleeding with undying memories…

Ode To Beauty

…Thou art Love's nearest sibling then
Thou art the young's long-waited light
First sight's Thy merited present
Shiny eyes and sense inside


Silently walking through the vast fields of loneliness
In desperation you grieve
For your bewail is unceasing

Inspired By Lord Henry (The Picture Of Dorian Gray)

Give everything for fruition and pleasures of life
Perverted self-start dominates over bygone innocence
Don't be afraid of
Living in raptures and ecstasies


Уставшее тепло тихо меркнущего солнца…
Последние лучи влачатся по земле
И с умирающей улыбкой стучат в твое оконце,
Напоминая нежно о сказке- осени тебе.

«о Расставании»

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