yohan blarke

yohan blarke Poems

Pebbles and trinkets,
bubbles and blankets though momentary they are precious, so also are neonates.
Fidgeting with fire,
meddling in mom's closet and getting cained in a bath tub shortly

yohan blarke Biography

I'm an egocentric anglomaniac that gets chagrined at the slightest retrograde comment you make about my poems. :) lol! I'm your fellow surfer/netizen/citizen on the wap or your virtual cousin. :) was born to a noble family not of aristocratic origins but principled philosophers in the year 1992. I am theist and atheist at the same time(well more of an agnostic) . Had a formal education upto the secondary level in kano state, nigeria; and currently a 400level student at igbinedion university, okada; studying a professional course. :))

The Best Poem Of yohan blarke


Pebbles and trinkets,
bubbles and blankets though momentary they are precious, so also are neonates.
Fidgeting with fire,
meddling in mom's closet and getting cained in a bath tub shortly
afterwards, define a toddler's ambition.
Hard drugs and changing girlfriends, masturbations and dealing with guns, becomes the youngster's goal.
The neonate becomes The toddler becomes The tween becomes The teenager and he becomes gawky adult and soon the rest is forgotten before he can finish growing up.
But if the hand writing had been a little clearer on the wall then maybe he would have slowed down a bit, all thats left are tears for a lost soul.

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