YoungBen Ulebor

YoungBen Ulebor Poems

The golden fish
That some want dish
Is what will spend time to admire
And their admiration begets desire

There is this noble man who came to earth
His intrepid labour’s fruit brought his death
Albeit his accepted fate they concurred
But then his good deeds they later recalled

Dream Land
Dream Land
What a wonderful place many have seen
But can’t be.

O St. Felix Seminary!
How great you are
As young as you are
You are known by all

A fool is
Who in tomorrow finds bliss
Tomorrow you be not sure
It affords that pleasure

Have they ever visited you?
I mean the cruel crew
They I pray never to see
Or where they are to be

Sahara desert is coming with its dry wind
Dry wind that desiccates the skin
See it come with its cold wind
Cold wind that makes oil sleep in tin

The birds are not
Afraid of the flood
Because they've got
God as their Lord

The Best Poem Of YoungBen Ulebor

Golden Fish

The golden fish
That some want dish
Is what will spend time to admire
And their admiration begets desire

The golden fish
Has no hiding place
Because to see thy face
So many wish

The golden fish
Even in the sea can not hide
For soon comes that tireless tide
That makes the proud waves upon thee unleash

The golden fish
If found in a kingdom
From the nobles receives gifts at random
But then they would want to keep it on a leash

The golden fish
Gets the beat bait
But if thou labours and wait
Thou shall never perish

The golden fish
If thou let flourish
In thee my voice
Thou I shall make my choice

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