If I Were In Charge Of The World

If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel oatmeal,
Monday mornings,
Allergy shots, and also Sara Steinberg.

If I were in charge of the world
There'd be brighter nights lights,
Healthier hamsters, and
Basketball baskets forty eight inches lower.

Thank You, Father

Fathers hold you when you have bad dreams
And they comfort you when all is lost it seems.
Fathers teach you to dribble a basketball and shoot a free throw
And they lead you as you grow.
Fathers teach you how to drive a car
And they try to teach you how to putt for par.
Fathers wipe the tears of your broken heart
And they hold your hand when you don't know how to start.
Fathers quiz the boys who take you on a date
And they scold those boys who bring you home late.

Praise Song

to my aunt blanche
who rolled from grass to driveway
into the street one sunday morning.
i was ten. i had never seen
a human woman hurl her basketball
of a body into the traffic of the world.
Praise to the drivers who stopped in time.
Praise to the faith with which she rose
after some moments then slowly walked
sighing back to her family.

A Lonely Cloud.....[nature Observation; Humor]

I saw a lonely cloud one day.
It looked small beyond the Bay.
I tried to find a second and failed,
even though I looked each way.

Think of it! A single cloud.
Its loneliness spoke to me aloud.
I wonder how it felt up there.
Was it very proud?

The Nap Taker

No - I did not take a nap -
The nap - took - me
off the bed and out the window
far beyond the sea,
to a land where sleepy heads
read only comic books
and lock their naps in iron safes
so that they can't get took.

And soon as I came to that land,

The Twelve Dancing Princesses

If you danced from midnight
to six A.M. who would understand?

The runaway boy
who chucks it all
to live on the Boston Common
on speed and saltines,
pissing in the duck pond,
rapping with the street priest,
trading talk like blows,

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Those Were The Days...! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Kicking a small piece of broken earthen pot,
While playing on the roadside, hop scotch.
Or dribbling a ball and throwing it at a team mate.
Screaming as I fell, skidding on the roller skates.

Playing marbles with my kid brother, ten years old
Aiming at queen of carom board with one eye closed.
Trying my hand at basketball, hockey and table tennis.
One day, a bunch of us stormed into YMCA premises.

! Sports Day Lament. For Cj.

tenth in the sprint
ninth in the four hundred
eighth in the cross-country
seventh in the potato race
sixth in the egg-and-spoon
fifth in the high jump
fourth in the long jump
third in the hurdles
second in the basketball shoot

! Loyal Fan

You can take your golf and the rolling greens
You tennis with manicured courts neat and clean
Your soccer, your swimming, your basketball scene -
None measure up to............FOOTBALL!

You can reel in that trout on the end of your line
Spit out your chew while you're ridin' the pine
Pick up that spare with a strike, not a nine
But none spell excitement like............FOOTBALL!

'6 Foot 3'......[long; Scary; Gross; Murder]

I'll tell you a crime story that you've never heard,
But first you'll have to promise to not spread the word.
It started many years ago on the Massachusetts coast.
Most of those who know of it are now themselves ghosts.

It is a murder story frightful and most ghastly.
If you mention it to the police they'll laugh, and YOU may be the victim, lastly.

After high school in the 60's I attended Boston College.
I went there for the social life, and to gain some more knowledge.

My English Teacher

He came from Kerala,
A state of king and Cinderella.
A place of bound,
Where more coconut are found.

His name is Sir Britto,
Which is humble planet like Pluto.
He always say to learn first fiction,
To learn the success of affection.
They prepare our tense


he gets hi to make his friends think hes cool
but all he end up doing is looking like a fool
he trys so hard to fit in with everyone else
but all he needs to do is focus on himself
he is in a gang that doesnt cares rather he lives or dies
if only the little boy could hear his mothers cries
he wants to be a basketball star, he wants to be the best
he is very smart he passes all his test
every test but the one he took on life
if he keeps this up he is going to pay the price

(082) So Many Wishes Unfulfilled.

There are so many things
To do which I would like
I would love to go cycling
But that’s after dad buys me a bike
Sometimes feel I would rather be
Not a girl princess but a prince
Or have a twin brother
So that we can be a pair of twins
As I don’t have much interest in girl’s stuff
So I wouldn’t want a silly doll

God Made (Funny Poem)





The basketball you walk around the court
Produces a hard, stinging, clean report.
You pause and crouch and, after feinting, swoop
Around a ghost defender to the hoop
And rise and lay the ball in off the board.
Solitude, plainly, is its own reward.

The game that you've conceived engrosses you.
The ball rolls off; you chase it down, renew
The dribble to the level of your waist.

February 2023 Showcase Of P-H Poems I, Bri, Have Enjoyed...[ Sharing; Variety; Entertainment ]

Bri's Introductory Poem:

' Write a nice title ', or so PoemHunter does say to ME, so…
I guess I should comply, as my time on PoemHunter is FREE!
BUT, what if I write a not-nice one, or 1 which P-H calls illegal?
Would it be like walking [with no leash] my Siamese or beagle?

Recently I submitted a two-part January showcase; have you seen IT?
I skipped a Dec. showcase, so had too little space & time to FIT ……..
the backlog of mostly 5-star poems I'd (for showcases) collected,

February 2019 Showcase Of Poems From Here & There …[ Sharing Poem Hunter Poems With You! ; Topics Are: " Lonely "& "Butterfly" & Assorted Others ]

February 2019 Showcase Of Poems From Here & There …[ Sharing Poem Hunter Poems With You! ; Topics Are: " Lonely "& "Butterfly" & Assorted Others ]

When I have had ‘bad words' with the one I dearly Love,
thoughts of loneliness may {at my injured mind} Shove,
depressing my usually-contented outlook on my Life.
Yes, I may begin to doubt my future with my Wife!

But time, patience and a "sorry" does Improve
my lonely thoughts, and even them Remove!


it's not the crutches we decry
it's the need to move forward
though we haven't the strength

women aren't allowed to need
so they develop rituals
since we all know working hands idle
the devil
women aren't supposed to be strong
so they develop social smiles

Ode To Jason

His talent truly matched
The hero with the regal name.
Orange was his choice in color
Basketball - his favorite game.

For just a few bright years
Excitement would abound
To the beat of soft rock
And a soulful reggae sound.

Life Is Like Playing Basketball

Life is like playing basketball
dribble, run, walk, jump and shoot.
play without a ball and a goal
and the game will be pointless
so keep an eye on the ball and focus on the goal
dribble, sweat, give energy and effort
and play with enthusiasm and joy.