
Maxine, back from a weekend with her boyfriend,
smiles like a big cat and says
that she's a conjugated verb.
She's been doing the direct object
with a second person pronoun named Phil,
and when she walks into the room,
everybody turns:

some kind of light is coming from her head.
Even the geraniums look curious,

Girl In Waiting

the girl waited beneath the golden tree
the golden tree shaped like a vase
a vase of golden leaves
a vase of shimmering golden leaves
a vase of trembling shimmering golden leaves
the girl waited there beneath the golden tree
beneath the end of the season tree
shedding leaves fall after fall year after year
upon the cars in the high school parking lot

Maya Angelou: A Phenomenal Woman?

Me thinks much ink
has been spilt
over the poem;
‘Phenomenal Woman’
by Maya Angelou.

Me thinks it is time
I stuck my oar in
had my say;
hopefully in a far

So You Want To Be A Writer

if it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.
unless it comes unasked out of your
heart and your mind and your mouth
and your gut,
don't do it.
if you have to sit for hours
staring at your computer screen
or hunched over your

A Stranded Girl On A Friday Night

She was weeping when we met
Outside a party store
Where the lonely purchase their wine;
Her boyfriend had left her behind
All sad and lost after a fight,
Most likely, about inconsequential things.

I picked her up, half out of human kindness,
Half to be beside a female body
Despite how red and unhappy her face.

The Lion For Real

"Soyez muette pour moi, Idole contemplative..."

I came home and found a lion in my living room
Rushed out on the fire escape screaming Lion! Lion!
Two stenographers pulled their brunnette hair and banged the window shut
I hurried home to Patterson and stayed two days

Called up old Reichian analyst
who'd kicked me out of therapy for smoking marijuana

How Many Knocks?

A moment of quiet, in this frozen house,
Breathe it in, while you can.
He's coming back at about 4: 05pm,
To punish, an innocent lamb.

If he could feel the pain he was inflicting,
He would never raise a hand.
And all the shouting would return to him,
Louder than any band.

Ill Meet You In Heaven (Song)

i wanna hold you in my arms, and i never want to let you go,
you were my life, you were my dreams, you were so much to me,
i wanna hold you tight and never let go,
why did you leave me why didnt you care, i cared about you, you were everything to me, now i watch you, sitting with another guy, oh why...
i wanna hold you in my arms, and i never want to let you go,
you were my life, you were my dreams, you were so much to me,
i wanna hold you tight and never let go,

Just A Friend

Someone you can talk to
A person you can share with
The one who can care with you
Somebody who will be concern with you

Someone who can understand you
A person that gives you attention
The one who can share your affection
Somebody who can accompany you
in the storm and in the heaven of your life

You Asked How (Formerly Even Now She Is Turning, Saying Everything I Always Wanted Her To Say)

At the end there were straws
in her glove compartment, I'd split them open
to taste the familiar bitter residue, near the end
I ate all her Percodans, hungry to know
how far they could take me.
A bottle of red wine each night moved her along
as she wrote, I feel too much, again and again.

You asked how and I said, Suicide, and you asked
how and I said, An overdose, and then

~ In Between Change ~ [18 Words Poetry]

~ In Between Change ~ [18 Words Poetry]
Ms. Nivedita


The Threat

my mother pushed my sister out of the apartment door with an empty
suitcase because she kept threatening to run away my sister was sick of me
getting the best of everything the bathrobe with the pink stripes instead of
the red the soft middle piece of bread while she got the crust I was sick with
asthma and she thought this made me a favorite

I wanted to be like the girl in the made-for-tv movie Maybe I'll Come Home
in the Spring which was supposed to make you not want to run away but it

' ' ' ' Ah Where Are The Newspapers Of Yesterday?

We chased
yesterday’s news

all over
the grass

as the old newspapers

ran this

Let's Talk About It

My mother died on February 24 2016, when she was traveling on the entrance ramp to northbound I-29 from Mexico City Avenue. She traveled off the roadway and overcorrected, sending herself and her truck down an embankment. Ejected from her vehicle, she was dead on arrival.

My grandmother told me soon after that my mom had taken her seatbelt off, and leaned down to let her 3 legged cat, Cooper, out of his kennel. She said she took her eyes off the road for a little too long and it all went downhill from there. Literally.

It's Just Blood

I had just accidentally smashed
my boyfriend Howard in the forehead
with a horseshoe. The blood surged
through his eight year old fingers,
dripping down his face. I screamed,
dropped the horseshoe and spun
to race towards the house,
'No, don't tell anyone! ' He tried to
block me from reaching grown-ups
and help.

' ' ' ' ' 'Laughter & Cries(For Lyn)


The question
crawls around the classroom.

My most happy
& unhappy

of all.

A Special Day

it's such a special day
the sun shines bright,
the birds chirp and sing high on the summit,
even the crickets play their best song, tune it
where they are is a mystery to me,

but enough dry cool trees,
with lots of sun through it,
the ladybug greets her boyfriend,

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Here Now I Hold You(For Scarlett)

Here now
I hold you

astonished at
your newness.

One hand
cups your bum

the other

*look In The Mirror Kids, You'Re Beautiful

Today, I thought I'd write a song
About the way your body glistens in the moonlight
But this is not that song
No this is not that song
This is for everyone who has been wrong
Or wronged, not told the truth,
Heartbroken, left hanged out to dry
This is for the boy who sits in the back
Of the room and stares at this girl
Who wears these glasses with frames a little too big

The Perfect Guy.

I dont want another boyfriend.
I hate this dating game.
I want someone who would treat me right,
And tell me im perfect in every way.
I want someone that cant live without me,
And says it everyday.
I want who understands me,
And kisses my pain away.
I want someone who would hold me and not let go,
Even if I try to run away.