Knowledge Confined In Paper (Prose Poem)

Sharpening the cells in cerebrum and cerebellum
Through meditation, arts, knowledge and strategy
With emotion, motion of sad and happy persons
From the history up to date and the moving pages
Writers write, artists art in front of the open universe,

The mysterious nature focuses the light of unknown
In the power of truth beauty in place and time both
Creation, destruction, origin of things and beings
With lots of evidence, imageries similes, legends,

The Emperor Of Tribalism

As most Nigerians remain ruefully lukewarm 
about President Buhari's second term bid;  
an ever-increasing multitude of potential 
voters across ethnic divides, seem to be 
enthralled by Atiku-Obi presidential ticket,
on the duo's restructuring manifesto and
remarkable track records of achievements.

It's as if the masses with full intent or 
otherwise, have at last come to 

I Am Not A Poet Yet!

I am not a poet yet....
Nor I am inborn poet.
Nor with any special talent driving me to be a poet.
Just picked few words of dew drops
Each dews looked like a glittering pearl.
Guided the dew drops to flow freely through a channel painted in canvas.
Finally, went on binding pearls into a thread of passion.
Enchanting fragrance of jasmine gave a glow of touch to the poetic garland.
Each petals of rose added a beauty to its looks.
Poetic ice cream with cherry toppling just ready to be served.

Burning Goodbye

In quietness of the air
Somewhere my soul immersed within
Flowing freely touching atmosphere
Flying over the sky, low to high
In silence, listen to the sound of wind
My whisper behind the rippling leaves
Tell you here i come, as the breeze
Through the branches of the tree
Touch you softly, forever i will be

*****rock Hunter ****

I wanted to do new
then i switched on the internet
And searched for rock
then i got a site
full of poems
fulllof poets
full of quiz
full of stories
full of rock
full of joy

~ Paean ~

Pre Text: ~ Goddess Durga symbolizes the power of the Supreme Being that maintains moral order and justice in the universe. Durga stands for the unified symbol of all divine forces: ~ Strength, Morality, Protector &c.
In India women are given highest honor as embodiment of motherhood. Many Indian women instead of surname like to use Devi. Devi literally stands for goddess. [For info on Goddess Sri Sri Durga please Google]

Humble submission: ~ This poem is not word by word translation of hymns [Slokas] on Goddess Durga. I sincerely admit my incapability. Here I’ve blended with poetic elements. I’ve given transliteration of Sanskrit Slokas [hymns] in the beginning for interested readers. Hope you’ll find glimpse of Indian view to Motherhood. ~ niv


The Garden blossoms well, my dear,
As there you wait for me
But do not think to take my soul
I will not bow to thee

And I will sit beyond, my dear,
(The Dark Moon high above)
One hundred buds each day shall die
Before I give my love

Asifa Bano, An 8-Year-Old Girl's Gang Rape And Murder

Five days later, Asifa's body was found.

After seeing her body:

"She had been tortured.
Her legs were broken, "
recalled Ms Naseema, who had rushed to the forest along with her husband to see the body.
"Her nails had turned black
and there were blue and red marks
on her arm and fingers."

Cyber Love

During discussion with key-board
through internet messenger,
Love sleeps on the bench like a pet
beside the purple-green footpath.

Sharing violet feelings via e-mail,
million megabytes of stamina s
And converts instantly smiling-heart
into jpg format to attach with the mail.

A Little Christmas Spirit

'Tis the day before Christmas
And I'm stuck in the mall,
The traffic is moving
At barely a crawl.

There's snow on the rooftops,
The roadways and lawns;
That's good for old Santa,
But rough on his pawns.

Don'T Worry, Be Happy

We live in a world that doesn’t slow down, it’s seems everyone’s in a hurry
Which causes us lots of stress, lots of anxiety, and an abundance of worry.

We worry about money, our health, our children, we worry about being late
We worry about getting older, about our jobs and gaining weight.

I imagine amidst all this hustle, all this bustle, all this hapless hurrying
There are even people out there who worry about worrying!

Worrying can be debilitating, it can be an enemy and a curse

A Woman's Scorn

A wise man said a woman's scorn
is given to her when she's born.
She carries it, though under cover,
a secret weapon for a lover
who dares defy her even once,
it's no excuse to be a dunce.

I have been chosen so it seems,
though never in my wildest dreams
did I expect this sly attack

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Plastic World

Blah! Blah!
Black sheep

Have you
Any silicone?

“Yes sir...yes sir
Two bags full! ”

And it’s one for the boob job.


When I first heard of this word, I wondered what that was.
I thought that was some types of onomatopoeia such as:
Click clack, pap pap, tap tap, crick crack, pouf puff,
And you get the idea. I thought that was kid’s stuff.
I was very wrong. It is something revolutionary.
It is a miracle; there, you find the whole planetary
Universe and more: the invented and the uninvented
Stuff. There, you can find out about everything,
About what the king ate last night and what happened
To that food; you get the idea. Don’t be a dingue.

**** Mother Weeps On Net Cafe

My heart feels sorrow
for all young children and teen-age adults
losing much time excessively
in computer games
snatched from shallow joys
inside highly -commercial gaining
internet cafe

I extend pity for their losing future
as they escape from school laurel activities

Lip Lock Rendezvous

esspeecee… 06.12.08.

Psychic computer is on
Internet too,
Logged on lips-
Locked in lips.

Pass word lost,

(for Dónall) One Of Those Nights (1)

It was one of those nights when clouds hid the moon,
when you said, 'Come to bed, love, ' and I answered, 'Soon...'
as I opened the windows on Facebook and Myspace
and started to blog, and our love was in second place
as you called to me, honey-sweet words, soft and low,
I was virtually off with the fairies, you know,
writing a poem about how we met,
how we live, how we love, to the whole Internet.
'Come to me, come to bed, ' you implored me so sadly,
'I love you, I need you tonight very badly...'

((Internet- Haiku))

Internet is fast,
Is human genius invent...
Dies when the brain drains!

' A Call To Big Brothers & Big Sisters... '

Beware Young Ones
Of The Internet
Beware of Saboteurs
Of Innocence

For, Not Everyone
Is Your Friend
There Are Those
Who Just Pretend …

Eternal Fantasy

When the two hearts connect,
The distance reduces to nought.
The fog may blur the two eyes,
Not the inner eye of the heart.

When the yearning of the hearts
Sets in motion a silent dialogue,
The process could be mysterious,
And to a miracle may be analogous.