What Stephen Lawrence Has Taught Us

We know who the killers are,
We have watched them strut before us
As proud as sick Mussolinis',
We have watched them strut before us
Compassionless and arrogant,
They paraded before us,
Like angels of death
Protected by the law.

It is now an open secret

Racism Is Around Me Everywhere

Of human ignorance I am almost in despair
For racism is around me everywhere
But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss
Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.

Some people carry their honour in a flag
And of their Nationality they brag
They feel superior and they differentiate
And against those who are different they discriminate.

End Racism

We all must bring our
Racism to end.
A message to all, I long to send.
The colors of the world,
All join as one.
For the Lord is our shepherd,
And we as his son.
Christ made all man in the
Likes of him.
So please let us all, "End Racism".

A Nation Of Cowards

(Dedicated to you, my Brothers and Sisters)

Powerful words,
Truthful words,
Honest words,
Brave words;
This is exactly what the Doctor orders,
For a nation, who's trying to fight the horrors
Of blatant racism,
Unfairness, injustice,

Execution's List

(for whom forced me to leave that orphan) ...
(I hear an orphan's tear while covered with his fear)

ohh, , on that list
an execution for who carry hot blood of the east
there was a list carry names of Dignity, pride and who is just for the least
there was a list... they postponed till after the feast, ,
oh me who was on the list..
I was on that list...
the monsters had a mercy, execute me not on my feast...


I can't barter my freedom
Take away the riches with you
Don't display your dollars and pounds
To my countrymen who need freedom too

You can't cut my tongue short
It flexes swift and slip your hand
Winds of freedom would blow one day
Your vile attempts can't change the trend

As Life Was Five

Portate bien,
behave yourself you always said to me.
I behaved myself
when others were warm in winter
and I stood out in the cold.
I behaved myself when others had full plates
and I stared at them hungrily,
never speaking out of turn,
existing in a shell of good white behavior
with my heart a wet-feathered

Why Do You Judge Me?

Why do you tend to judge me
cause I'm of different race.
Why do you tend to hate me
cause I'm from a different place.

Why is it that you think I'm stupid
because of where I'm from.
In my own opinion,
You have classified yourself as dumb.

Of Such Life - For Black Lives Matter

Enough pain
To last life
Endured such

I am not
Your damn slave
Whipped to death
For pleasure
I am not
Your sound board

The Moment (Barack Hussain Obama’s Inauguration)

The moment of Obama’s inauguration
Was a fluke of fate written for the nation

It was a moment to be cherished
For all citizens including the perished

It was a moment that brought glory
For abandoning the discriminatory

It was a moment that scribbled in history


Stalking the corridors of life,
Black, frustrated minds
Scream for release
From Christian racist moulds.
Moulds that enslave
Black independence.

Take care! White racists!
Black can be racists too.
A violent struggle could erupt

Racism Today

The racist cloaks his loathing thoughts
behind deceiving eyes
Those men who once wore hoods and robes
Today wear shirts and ties

Their methods changed but yet and still,
Their mission is the same
Today they lynch with politics,
the racist's favorite game

*let The New Year 2k+9 Bloom!

In a world that is

Free from terrible terrorism and death
Full of happy harmony and warmth
Free from fateful wars and schisms
Full of hopping hopes and optimism
Free from wretched hatred and bigotry
Full of pure happiness and joy
Free from painful penury and poverty
Full of crystal understanding and aplomb

Perfect World

In my perfect world
The sky is a perfect blue
The grass is a soft green
And together are me and you

In my perfect world
The sun is a perfect heat
No global warming
It would be a treat

Taught Racism

Children are born blind to hate and bigotry
With their big smiles and loving ways
They are taught ugliness
By unthinking adults and overheard conversation
This makes them use words and terms that for generations
Have caused hate and bitterness
To our fellow man.

Yes, they are taught, not born
To this social cancer.

Golf Pro

There are two types of people:
Those who play golf,
And those who recognize it
for the idiotic malpractice that it is,
that recognize it for the land wasting,
water guzzling, pesticide and herbicide
carcinogen drenched
leeching into the groundwater,
sanitized version of nature,
Bob Hope celebrity goofball,

Drops Of Shame

In this tradition of hypocrisy,
Rich sea of shams,
Virtue hides behind sanctimony,
Watch dogs are drooling at the prize,
The sins dine on a golden platter,
Simplicity lies shattered,
Truth bound in iron chains,
Chained to the legs of blind rats
Love lives in schools
Patience in monastery


Oh! You are a little black boy,
and playing with your small toy.
Oh! You are black from outside,
but your heart and soul are white.

Your innocence is covering you,
from your head till your smallest toe.

You are behaving spontaneously.
You are naive, curious, innocent and asking continuously.

Living Together

Why does mankind hate people based on religion and race?
Is it ignorance, education, or governments deciding our place.

For people are people regardless of the color of their face.
And the love in our hearts is an example of God's grace.

European people are the most powerful people under the sun.
Asians, Blacks, and Jews are constantly under the economic gun.

But people should not be exploited because of the color of skin.


Man lives with hope,
And dies with hope,
Hope is a thing,
For all the wings.

Pain and pleasure,
Dotting phases of leisure,
Some are born to smile and enjoy,
Others with miseries and die like toys.