Abdul Wahab Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Fall Out

When your children are young
You must have a wish to make them
Some one, you spend your time,
You spend your money behind them

War And You

You might have seen the gory war
in Iraq and Afghanistan
And you are too sorry
to see that man, woman

So Close So Far

You need not
To spell

Nor you need to explain
As I understand

Sweet Revenge

He has crossed over the Everest
The line of limit to criticize
Even not a piece of grace
Or a drop of water

Passionate Night

Since then I have got maturity
I am accused of living in fantasy
This time it is you around whom
My imagination goes round and round

All Alone

No one will come
To share their virtues
Or take away your sins
Wherever you go

Have I Lost The Meaning Of Life Without My Love?

No one has told me
Till I reached at this corner
Of this road that the meaning
Of life is in protest against

Death Virus

Would you believe
If I say I am a disease
And long ago I killed the sense which
Used to tell you that you are alive?

Wood Cutter

Twigs, branches and climbers
Are cut indiscriminately by a wood cutter
For his domestic use of fuel
Such is he an innocent cruel

I Am Dead

I know it will never go
Nor will it come out
But gets turns and twists
In the back of my head

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