Abdul Wahab Poems

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Lets Our Hearts Play.

In one nest two birds together
Water flows in between two banks of a river
Two hearts one hope under
One sky many stars above

Why Do People Play With Blood ?

Why do people play with blood when it gives no pleasure and only pain?
Why do people wag a war when it gives only losses and no gain?
Why do people play with mud when it never tones up but tarnishes their images?
Why do people play the blame -game when it never solves the problem but increases?

What If--

What if I am unknown, how do you know me?
What if I am unheard, how do you hear me?
What if I am common, how do you distinguish me?
What if I am obscure, how do you understand me?

I Don'T Afraid To Die After

I have been living
That real
The true

The World Is A Bewildering Big Box

Among flowers a green leaf
Among words let silence live
Flowers are dreams leaf is life
Words are waste silence is love

The Insane King!

Sorrows of the people
Thousand of thousand years
Give a poisonous pain
Just to lessen the sadness

Now I Know What Is Wasting!

Flowing away the water
Clueless was the river
You came as a dyke
And held………


Lethargy creeps in when heart is broken
When hopes and dreams stand at a distant
When lacking the inspiration and motivation
When fruit of success doesn't show its face

What The Psyche Envisages!

Sometimes I feel
I have lost something
Creeps in the sense of
Crumbling devastation

I Want To Make You Cry!

I like You to remember me for ever
A man is here with out name and fame
But has a pure heart, no one can blame
He does not have nice face or good figure

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