Afshan Fatima

Afshan Fatima Poems

Be it a furry goat, or a milky cow,
be it a giant panda, sheep, deer or macaw,
be it a tortoise or rabbit and monkey,
be it a greasy buffalo who is not so funky,

When I heralded my coming into this world….
some got me aborted,
and the ones who could not do that;
either left me deserted on a place,

This is a dog and that is a cat.
They only eat and have a chat.
These are rabbits and those are birds.
They live in my yard I have heard.

I love my dad.
He is never sad.
He is often funny
and calls me'Honey'

Jacky Tiger is so old!
He is now not so bold.
Every morning he has to pray
to be able to find a prey.

Friendship is as beautiful as a flower.
It's feeling is as high as a tower.
Friendship is an invincible power
which makes happiness flow like a shower.

Have you ever tried to win
all the challenges you face begin,
or you sit and do nothing
and get tense from within?

I search you
in the loneliness of my heart.
I miss you
with the depth of my heart.


The wind started gushing
and the birds fluttered around
Clothes on the line tried to free themselves
from the clutches of clips

Ruddy, delicate, velvety and rosy
shiny, sweet, caring and lovely
soft like a flower, firm like a rock
a creature in its perfect form!

Since the dawn I beheld
survivors coming to the graves
of their dear ones.
Each grave is washed and cleaned

She was a nurse,
a caring and happy one
and was too busy
in her wedding preparations

Oh life! How to convince you dear
and how to make you glad?
How to get rid of my fear
and how to make you happily clad?

At age three, he was playing
and wondering
at the beauties of the world.
As it was a festival of lights,

That mighty fall..
did so enthrall;
the earth shook
its every nook.

Let’s make the world a better place to live.
Let’s stop snatching and learn to give.
Teach our young ones the skill to share.
Treat our Mother Earth with utmost care.

Two men lived in a village
at different ends
whom God loved dearly.
One was a potter,

Afshan Fatima Biography

Afshan Fatima is an Indian poet, short story writer, blogger, editor and teacher.She did her Masters from Lucknow University and B.Ed from IGNOU. She writes in English, Hindi and Urdu languages.)

The Best Poem Of Afshan Fatima

Classification Of Animals

Be it a furry goat, or a milky cow,
be it a giant panda, sheep, deer or macaw,
be it a tortoise or rabbit and monkey,
be it a greasy buffalo who is not so funky,
they eat only plants-green and juicy plants.
Let's sing in a chorus, they all are herbivores.
Be it an angry lion or an active cat,
be it a polar bear, snake tiger or bat
be it a stony crocodile or a quiet spider,
they eat only flesh, of living or of dead.
Let's sing in a chorus, they all are carnivores.
Be it a lazy pig or a tiny mouse,
be it a slow turtle or the hen of your house
they eat both-plants and flesh to keep them alive n fresh.
let's sing in a chorus, they all are omnivores.

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