Aftab Alam Poems

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Musk Of Her Sweat

Musk of her sweat when I inhale
I was never in this world, Sailed
Not for the dream of heaven but her
Lips and eyes and rhythm of breath.


When you earned money,
Then money pushes you,
Five steps back,
You are trapped with honey,

I Am A Peace Bird

What is the use, writing name on sand?
As long as wind exist, cloud will rain
We all enjoy at sea shore, hand in hand
Every day we sleep and we awake again.

Eyes Over Eyes

A snake behind the rat
An eagle is behind the snake
Rat ease-fully enjoying the treat

Who Will Free The Cage Bird?

Once I seen a rickshaw puller with astonishment
Found myself guilty of heaven’s embezzlement
It was like a dream; I saw the scene in wide awake
Such a lovely grandeur creation! Lord’s make.

Senryu(5-7-5) 3

Raise Voice Against Terrorism And Racism

Water is searching the path—
Lost its way—
We are dancing, laughing,
In our own way—

Faithless World

I have been taught since my childhood,
My granny used to instruct why to hid?
God knoweth everything; what in mind,
He is within and outside; you just find.

The Road Is Full Of Thorns,

If you want to take that path,
Many a time, you will be agitated,
You will be frustrated,
You have to be cool,

Blessing Them; “enjoy”

Once seen; a bushy beard old sexy man,
Who walked round the bushes and tres,
Watching the love making buds,
Blessing them; “enjoy”

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