Ajit Das Poems

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When the sky is azure blue,
the horizon draws a line
between heaven and earth.

Paying Pensioner

The dark thins out, the landscape
stirs slowly with hints of life;
the day begins for the old man living
in the house across the road.

Cruelty And Beatitude

When they were butchering innocent children
for revenge or using them as human shield,
enacting the most gruesome act of inhumanity,
another scene of a child giving life and light:

Your Face

When I am alone with myself,
your face still surfaces
from the heaps of old memories.


Eklavya, the forest dweller Nishada, motivated
by his intense desire to excel in the art of archery,
approached Dronacharya, the royal Astra-Guru,
imploring to accept him as one of his disciples.

Human Kindness

Thick December fog wrapping around,
she had left the office after night shift.
Suddenly she found her bank card missing
and no money to hire a taxi or board a bus.

World Heart Day

World Heart Day! What’s it all about?
I know of human heart, animal heart,
but never heard world having a heart.
They say it is human heart, merging

R.K. Laxman - A Tribute

‘You said it' - this discomforting reminder
to big egos, stripping away their masks,
bringing out the buffoon from leaders,
outwardly hallowed, inwardly doublespeak,

Mother Land

Mother India! We are all your children,
adoring you, chanting ‘victory to thee'.
But, as in a family, we grow unequally:
many privileged, many more neglected.

The Cripple

Bent on a pair of crutches
he makes his tentative move.

Stretching the left crutch

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