Aldo Kraas Poems

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And The Time Will Be Our Time

And the time will be our time to pray
And the time will be our time to learn to love the people here on earth
And the time will be our time for us to learn to get along with the people Here on the earth
And the time will be our time to unite the world by bringing peole together All over the world

Berlin Waltz

And all that I need
And all that I breathea
Is the air that is not pure

So Close

We are so close to the beach
And because we live so close
To the beach
It take us only ten minutes to

The Power Of Faith

Do I know the power of faith?
I am afraid that I don't know that very well
So don't hold your breath for my answers
Because I can't tell you anything about it

Beautiful Lady Song

I would love to meet that beautiful lady
Today if I could
But it is too bad
Because she is with somebody else

She Got A Crush On You

We have the whole night to ourselves
Love songs I hear on the radio
We sing together the love tunes
The melodies stick in our heads over and over again

Can I Count On You?

Can I count on you?
Will you be here when I need you?
Or you will just leave me and take off?
Are you going to help me like I helped you before?

Canadian Beauty

Asking No One

Please Tell Me

Please tell me
That I can put my trust in your love

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