aliyah aliyah

aliyah aliyah Poems


But I died before today, I died long time ago
I died hundred times befour

You set there smiling in my face
Acting as if you know me well
While you know nothing about me
Or what I have been throw

All I do is thinking of you
Thinking of ways to get you
Thinking of your wonderful smile
Your jokes that make me laugh

i always asked god to send me agood friend
afriend who going to under stand me
afriend who going to accept me as i am

as i stand under the rain
asking god to forgive me from the sin
asking god with an eye full of tears
please god forgive today

you always asked me if i have forgot you
how would i and you r the one who teached me to be what i am today
i remmber when we were10 all i wanted to do is acting like big woman
and to under stand life

if i could write apoem
thats going to stop the hate in this world
i would start writing it now

Some body please saves me
Save me from what I became
Please I need you to change me
Change me to better me

Who are you?
Who is this person that I'm writing my poems to?
Who is this person who took my mind?
And my thought

The day you left me
Was the day I grow old
My other half died with you
Now my friend’s wonder why I don’t smile

Am I in love?
Or am imagining that
How come that I am in love with the guy I used to hate yesterday
Could this really happened

i want to feel your pain
that pure pain, the pain you are hiding
yes i want to feel it
i want to be your other part

Look what your love made me do
Writing poems and listening to love songs
I was a person with no feelings at all
I was so cold

you make me feel good
feel good about my self
you make me feel good
feel good about my life

I could cry
But wouldn’t notice
Because you are so blind
With your hatenes

Strange this world we are living
It's so strange
In a moment you feel like you are in the top of the world
Living the prefect life

I miss our late night talks
I remember how much I used to like them
Waiting for your call

I just have been feeling lost lately
Don’t know what to do
I am losing control
Should I let my mind control me?

You stopped loving me
I can see it in your eyes
You don’t any more like me
I can feel it when we talk

If I wakeup one day
Without finding you next time
I think I’ll cry, I think I’ll die
Me and you we are one

aliyah aliyah Biography

well am 18yearz old ma real name is azza alsharji but would like 2 go for aliyah the poet, lived kinda strange life lol i guess no one has normal life hehe, like to write about every thing i have been throu or what i sow or even heard, just like to write about every thing, started 2 write in this web site since last year, tryin to improve and all, so if u have any comment for just send it me)

The Best Poem Of aliyah aliyah


But I died before today, I died long time ago
I died hundred times befour

I lived in silence for a long time
And am stilll in pain
I tried 2 get out of all of this

I lived an age older than my age
Million times older

I always took people’s pain and made it as mine
But I always ask my self, until when am I gonna do this

Sometimes I run from my self
Like the way someone runs from people who bothers them

Everytime I ask my eyes to let me sleep, just for today
But they say (Sorry, we wish we could help you)

To my heart and to my soul, because I let you surfer through all of this

aliyah aliyah Comments

Ibrahim 06 June 2018

Add a comment wonderful poem

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Antwan Graham 02 March 2006

hey i love your work keep it real! ! !

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Antwan Graham 02 March 2006

hey i love your work keep it real! ! !

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