Amelia Evelyn White Poems

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Aris is loveless and unhappy as can be
For true love, he pines, oft escapes me.

Oh how he longs for someone to love,

What If

What if there were not a God,
Would there be a you and a me?

What if there was no sky,

My Sympathy

I'm sorry you've lost your mother
I know she was precious to you.
I understand how you feel,
For I lost my mother too.

The Best Of You

Everything that you do
Is a reflection of you,
So do the best that you can do.

Be A True Friend

True friends are hard to find
When one comes along, cherish the moment
Cease the opportunity; bestow a virtue or two.

This Is America

This is America, a nation blessed of God,
A rainbow coalition, one nation under God.

We are black, white, yellow and red.

His Pain

He cries, she laughs,
He begs, she sighs.

He says I love you,

A Half A Century

Now that you've reached the big 50
You ponder, where did the time go.
Many moons have come and gone
And the stars came and went.

Mr Anger

He just wants to get on the inside
To find a place where he can hide.
He'll fester there quietly for awhile,
Then when he's ready


This is my world sad but true,
And somehow a lot of bitterness grew.
I don't like it but what can I do,
Except to add more to it and then let it stew.

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