Ami White

Ami White Poems

Your one year older,
Than last year,
Hope you have a good day,
And hope you have some fun.

You might find it difficult,
To say goodbye, but,
You’re going to be ok,
When you move to a new school.

I’m feeling like there,
Is a hole in my heart,
Like im not worth it,
Like im not visible.

When you help me to be strong,
People try and knock me down,
When you help me to be happy,
People turn it to a frown.

I wish you were here,
To celebrate my 18th,
But instead you can hear,
This poem I wrote for you.

I find it really difficult,
To tell people exactly,
How I feel, so here it goes,
I'm telling you with my words.

I wake up in the morning,
Feeling sleepy and so tired,
I have got to get up,
But I feel like staying in bed.

NOOO, is what I,
Can hear, I’m scared, I’m,
On my own, what am,
I supposed to do.

Please don’t leave me, I don’t,
Know what to do, you mean the,
World to me, you are amazing and,
I didn’t want you to leave me.

When I am sitting down,
Feeling confused and dizzy,
Not wanting to do anything,
Stressed, lost, worried.

I feel hopeless and trapped,
Like I’m stuck and not tough,
It feels like I have been slapped,
Because I’m not good enough.

When you’re feeling really worried,
About some family members,
That are not very well,
You can get really upset.

When I’m stressed and dizzy,
And I can’t concentrate,
I feel all shaken up,
And I can’t control myself.

You fill my heart with joy,
You are my rose,
You strengthen me,
And you love me Lord.

You are the light in my darkness,
You make me smile when I am down,
All I can do is think of you,
Every day, all the time.

Re: Route is a place,
Where youth can get together,
We all embrace,
God’s love forever.

She has flown away,
Into the heavens, into the sky,
Away with the fairies,
Away with the angels.

You are the light in my darkness,
You make me smile when I am down,
All I can do is think of you,
Every day, all the time.

You have been missed,
Over these past years,
Since you have been gone,
We all love you.

I sit down feeling distracted,
Everyone is talking and I don’t,
Seem to understand, why I’m,
So quiet, and everyone else is loud.

The Best Poem Of Ami White

Hip Hip Hooray

Your one year older,
Than last year,
Hope you have a good day,
And hope you have some fun.

Today is your birthday,
Have a really good day,
Today is your birthday,
Hip hip hooray.

Lots and lots of cards,
Saying happy birthday,
This is your day, you,
Only get one every year.

Today is your birthday,
Have a really good day,
Today is your birthday,
Hip hip hooray.

(5th November,2012)

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