A. Marvellous Poems

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We Shall Find Joy ☹️

i would pick a fleeting moment of hearty laughter when the road seem difficult to climb, & loop it until I've accumulated a plethora of motivation to try again. & when i hit the rock bottom,

i would safely delve deep into my heart, unlock the safe, peek inside a room of winning moments;
a moment that hard-work pays, if I don't give in to giving up.


Is an indication of something that needs to be fixed, a response to damage done to the body or soul. Pain is good because without it we will be dead.

However, do not allow pain remain in you for too long. When it stays too long, it numbs your soul. You can't find healing when you don't know why you are hurt and you can't get healed if you are not read to open up your wounds for assessment.

Dear Dearest,

I need you to know that in life, you won't have answers to all every questions and it's fine, only God is all knowing.

What will be "not fine" is you behaving or acting like you have answers to everything. You are just shooting yourself in the leg.

I Will Find You ☹️

One day, when the dust settles and the ruling government dismantled like furniture,
I will find you.

In between crevices, and abandoned alleys, you'll find clues.

In Nights Like This 🌚🌚🌚

in nights like this,
i look at the stars and wonder if they are your eyes or just glowing ashes of your fading existence;
dear god, you died and was cremated?

A Nation In Pain

O dear Nigeria,

Why do you in your little strides bask
when your counterparts keep sprinting forward in the race of progress?

*_Rusty Wheels On A Broken Cycle_* ``````

_What do you call of this world? _
_—A broken hand on the eyes of time_
_Why is the future so dead and blind? _
_—living in the days of the dead unseen_

This is a particular one.
It is not possible to keep all friends in the present.
Someone will always, either consciously or unconsciously, willingly and unwillingly become past, no matter what we do.

Demons In Angelic Faces

In my life,
You came in peace
Heaven and earth you promised
Lies you despised

The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives The Flower

Drives my green age;
that blasts the roots of trees
Is my destroyer.

And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose

My youth is bent by the same wintry fever.

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