Hit Title Date Added
My Spiritual Home

I feel I belong here I don't want to leave it,
The sounds and the beauty of sights that I've seen,
Which capture my heart with a sweet understanding,
And thus fill my soul with its peace so serene.

As Dawn Does Stir The Sleeping Night

As dawn does stir the sleeping night
That gripped the woodland with its chill
Through faintest mist and frosted trees
The ghostly sun does rise,

A Soldier's Farewell

I'll see you in my dreams my dear
I'll keep you in my heart,
I'll think of you each day I live
Each second we're apart,

The Long Stone

With clouded skies above me I do climb this winding pathway,
And yet I feel that I am not alone,
So many years have passed and yet its secrets still remain there,
Within that place they laid that ancient stone.

Golden Cap

Golden Cap views from its peak so enchanting
Across the blue waters to Lyme Regis bay,
The fine pearl of Dorset her Cobb and the harbour
Her houses a paint-box of colour this day.

The Airston Wool Shop

Old Airstons was a friendly place
Where with my mother I would go,
When but a child it stood upon
The busy Anchor Road,

What Joy

What joy has filled my empty heart
For so long starved of love,
My spirit floating through the air
And on the clouds above.

The Gift Of Love

No soul can live without it
For a precious thing indeed,
That's born out of compassion
In the effort to succeed,

Brittle Twigs

The brittle twigs upon the bough
So frail that surely time must break,
As now this elm bereft of life
Can't brave the winds no more,

For My Heart Belongs To You

I see the sun now shining
At the dawning of the day,
And all the birds are singing
In the branches that do sway,

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