Angela Wybrow Poems

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Blowing Bubbles

I take a deep breath and begin to blow,
And soon the bubbles begin to flow.
From my wand, the bubbles now stream;
The sunshine makes the bubbles gleam.

Getting On

It doesn’t matter that your hair’s turned grey;
Meeting up with you still brightens my day.
You may have more lines upon your face,
But you still make my world a better place.

Chocolate Chicken Curry

I saw in the freezer aisle;
Chocolate chicken curry:
I couldn’t help but smile.


A door slams:
An echo fills the air –
This once busy sales floor
Is now completely bare.

My Feathered Friend

You were my funny, little feathered friend;
To your every need, I would always tend.
You’d stand under a running tap, trying to catch the drips.
In your brightly coloured birdbath, you loved to take a dip.

I Wish I Were A Chocolatier

I wish a were a chocolatier;
To folk I'd bring some age-old cheer.
I'd play around with all different flavours,
And decide on some for people to savour.


He soars so high above the clouds;
So high above the bustling crowds.
He flies past vast galaxies of stars,
Above the houses, shops and cars.

Dole Not Coal

Once these men all mined for coal,
But now these men are on the dole.
With rent to pay and mouths to feed,
An anxious life these men now lead.

Brussels Sprouts

My favourite vegetable, without a doubt,
Is the humble, but holy, Brussels sprout.
I cook them until they're really soft;
Around my house, their aroma wafts.

My Favourite Food

Here are some meals, which I really love to eat,
When, at the dinner table, I take my seat.

Lasagne served with a slice of garlic bread,

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