Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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The Evening Star

The grapevine had rare gossip to relate:
Dazzling degree, merit and medal,
The speed at which he'd won corporate weight,
How deep he'd pushed career's speed pedal,

In A New Raft Of Life

Perchance is death a deep unaware sleep
Bestowed to help forget what all had been,
And soul that must depart a date to keep,
Should soon, with a baggage of debt unseen,

Better Check Your Heart

My eyes saw her face with utter delight,
Ears heard her singing that mighty did please,
My head nodded in passion's speeding flight,
Her ways and wit to reason were fresh breeze,

Love’s Last Flickering Flame

Is there any soul radiating more
Than of a youthful love long holding hands,
Vibrant love if not hearts, on unknown shore
Of sea that’s life, in search of newer lands?

Mind, The Mother Of All Mess - I

My hands clutching tight years gone by and dead,
I mull old memories, do day-dreaming,
Hold eager hands cupped to catch those ahead,
That time I've none for the moments fleeting.

Pedestal Still A Prison Is

Beware of a perch lofty you might call.
Marbled pedestal, howso tall be still,
A prison is shorn of a red-brick wall,
And condemned is to live a life of chill.

This Life's Such A Sweet Tooth

I know, I know this truth
Of life's deserting youth,
Time, youthful desire dies,
Fulfilled when soul should rise,

Epic Eternal Ever On Unfold

A great piece of verse seems this universe,
Lyrics emanating from quantum soup,
Each of whose word vibrates as it quivers,
Inter-linked, its lines make eternal loop.

When He Left

Left leaving dollar dreams still unsigned,
Inscrutable a smile well behind,
His soldiers staying put,
With arms and army boot,

When Death Was At My Door

Some while away their life in vain,
Some in fear of death, some in pain;
Some feel, death comes when life gets tired,
But life all life in death is mired;

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