The Evening Star Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

The Evening Star

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The grapevine had rare gossip to relate:
Dazzling degree, merit and medal,
The speed at which he'd won corporate weight,
How deep he'd pushed career's speed pedal,
How he'd fished in troubled waters uncaught,
Pursuit of goals was his crucial merit—
The chief of which others to dispirit,
To win key battles if or not well fought.
Which, helped him climb steep corporate ladders,
That he withdraw so that others can't rise,
Nothing grew under his scanning radars,
He cornered every accolade and prize.
Such a colossus still, one straddling tall,
He scarce could see his own tumbling fall!
Venus is an evening star that shines for a short time before setting. It is also a morning star that rises to soon disappear in the day light. At one of my jobs there was such a star. He dazzled the skies for quite a while dimming others. But another sun (rather son of the company's promoter)obliterated him. No doubt, he was intelligent, sharp, hard working, and personally honest. But he liked to rule with iron hand and found it hard to delegate and develop those working under him. And when it came to his own career stakes, being overambitious, he tended to be ruthless.
Sonnets | 09.09.08 |

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: star
He came on to the scene like a comet, blinding all
else with his dazzle and speed, and looked like a
rising star for ever. But it so turned out, he was a
red giant. Still, he made other stars look small in
comparison. But another sun (rather son— the son of
the company's promoter) obliterated him.

Yet, to be fare to him, he was intelligent, very
sharp, hard working and honest to a fault and fair
by and large. But he liked to dictate with an iron
hand. He found it hard to delegate and develop those
working under him and when it came to his own career
stakes, being overambitious, he tended to be ruthless.

These days, I have been seeing a similar man in
Gujarat politics for some time now, which reminded me
of a live person I came across during my working life —
the evening star of this poem.
Rose Marie Juan-austin 16 July 2019

Beautifully crafted and well executed write. The Poet's Notes are as beautiful as the poem. Very informative.

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Aniruddha Pathak 17 July 2019

As I have said in one of my sonnets, creating a poem and cheselling out a figurine from a stony chunk are comparable. A poem has to be crafted after it is born in the heart, its essence captured. A piece of prose one can write in any which way he likes. Thank you

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 16 July 2019

A wonderful, insightful and perceptive poem imbued with wisdom. Oftentimes we see this kind of person in the corporate ladder and in politics.They want all the recognition and accolades. Granstanding......they thought that no one could perform the job better.They don't know that in life someone will always come better than us...

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Aniruddha Pathak 17 July 2019

I don't know how to thank you dear poet for digging out as if from deep mines this old poem of 2008 and reading it thoroughly and commenting.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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