Anna Laetitia Barbauld Poems

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An Autumnal Thought

'Tis past! we breathe! assuaged at length
The flames that drank our vital strength!
Smote with intolerable heat

Epitaph On The Same

Farewell, mild saint!—meek child of love, farewell!
Ill can this stone thy finished virtues tell.
Rest, rest in peace! the task of life is o'er;


Hard is my stem and dry, no root is found
To draw nutritious juices from the ground;
Yet of your ivory fingers' magic touch

To A Little Invisible Being

Germ of new life, whose powers expanding slow
For many a moon their full perfection wait,-

Beauty Of Insects

Observe the insect race, ordain'd to keep
The lazy Sabbath of a half-year's sleep.
Entomb'd beneath the filmy web they lie,

The Mouse's Petition

OH ! hear a pensive captive's prayer,
For liberty that sighs;
And never let thine heart be shut

Awake My Soul!

Awake, my soul! lift up thine eyes,
See where thy foes against thee rise,
In long array, a numerous host;
Awake, my soul! or thou art lost.

To The Poor

Child of distress, who meet'st the bitter scorn
Of fellow-men to happier prospects born,
Doomed Art and Nature's various stores to see


OH! born to sooth distress, and lighten care;
Lively as soft, and innocent as fair;
Blest with that sweet simplicity of thought

The Rights Of Woman

Yes, injured Woman! rise, assert thy right!
Woman! too long degraded, scorned, opprest;
O born to rule in partial Law's despite,

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