ArmourQuill Hunter Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love Supreme And Unconditional

Show me the man with God’s own heart
Not one~, with gifting, who’ll later depart

All You Need Is Love

Love Is All We Need Lyrics

He Whose Deadly Wound Is Healed (Rev.13: 12)

Now is his propagating madness, legalizing sin
You see witchcraft displayed on TV time and again
Israel’s priests speaks of building of their temple ways
Prophesy foretells a world superman who’ll bring hell’s days

Sowing Seeds Of The Past

Heirloom gifts of Grandmother’s seeds are slowing fading away
We need to preserve non-hybrid seeds to secure our future today
Sowing the seeds of our past can be a priceless gift of reality
I wanted to smell some carnations but there was no smell you see

Don'T Mess With My Food

From the Fall of Man the Devil messed with our Food Choice
Humanity's blind nature came, not adhering to Father's voice

The Room That God Built

This is the room that Father-God has built for me
His Word’s my Light, against the night, and my reality
There are so many passages of Salvation’s grand Well
His secret pavilion against pride and distractions from hell

Jerusalem's Dying Rose

From the root and offspring of David came Life’s purest Rose.
Perfect in nature, it took on the blackness of sin’s deadly pose.
Slowing, in Jerusalem’s garden, it blossomed wide to inspire.
Never was a transforming Rose, whose very life respired.

Sparkling Joyous People

Indubitably, real happy people eliminate detouring hindrances.
Seeking to find Love’s identification for creative with endurances.

Gossip, Decoys And Stolen Goods

People see, on the whole, will just what they may
While God sees through each heart each and every day
Gossip is a front to cover the filth that's on one's plate
It kills, nonetheless, and is a true form of apathy's hate

I uprooted myself

I uprooted myself from the past and took from it the memories of one thousand springs and one thousand autumns. Thus I planted the tree of my soul in another place; it was now in a field afar from the path of time, where I left the noisome city to sit in the shadow near one solitary old oak tree, in a golden field, far from life’s path.
By the springs of living water, I sat speechless in the solitude of my thoughts which were quietly soothed by the rippling sounds of life all around. Resting in the light of the great sun, I fell asleep and dreamed a dream…

Years had elapsed… When I awoke from that dream- the pure essence of impossibility had become possible. For the sly little man, of Irish folk lore, thought he’d escape- “as before…” Now, opposed to my catch, he reluctantly gave- “all the gold to me…! ”

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