ArmourQuill Hunter Poems

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Inter-Numeral Dimensions Of Change

Systems are part of a core system for numeral, dimensional, change
This is true in principles of prayer, activated and divinely arranged

You needn’t understand a potatoe for it to, ultimately, feed you

The Eyes Have It

Visionary people have a purpose in their structured goal.
They’ll not be distracted as their vision nourishes the soul.
Just realizing the stepping stones needed to gain the prize;
Oh how they relish and picture the win before any disguise.

Tell Me 'Bout The Good Old Days

The Bible does says: the mirth of the land is gone
Now, kid’s ghetto blasters are blared upon the lawn
Whole families use to come together and sing…
Now (divided on issues) , their values thy just fling

Lily In The Fool’s Court

Lily Bluebell grew-up in the court of a most foolish king.
Her fragrant petals were full of life despite his nagging.
At times she danced in the breeze neath the sun‘s light
Til her fellow plants were spiteful, despite her sad plight.

Soul-Mate Supreme

Never thought my soul-mate would finally find me
Painted images, empty hearts, surround my reality
How do we find our equal in life’s scheme of things?
Seeing projections reflections of what others will fling

Full Circle

Now, God is the God of the Whole~ not just a part.
He never created robots but free-will for each heart.

People don't want change or to see things a new.

Sudden Impact

One moment you're securing your comfort-zone castle in the sand
And the next thing you know you're world is taken from your hand

Suddenly all that you know and love is so changed before your eyes

Kiss Of My Soul

Majestic fresh dew, from morning's light, isn't new
God spoke to Job bout 'night-drops' of Heaven's dew
Bringing birth to Revelation's night-drops as rain
I need your awesome Heart-kisses to revive me again

Timeline Guideline

The Eternal One will help you to think outside the square
Not entangled by man's timing or any such burden or care
Knowing His Word-system establishes his life outside the norm
Timeless, secure, the Ancient of Days is hot; He'll keep yah warm

Miracles, I'Ve Seen...

Holy Spirit laughter, sweep across each one like a wave
A demoniac, after prayer, 'scream' then cry like a baby saved
Children dance to the beauty of God's children celebrate
Father God disarm bullies who were about to stone me with hate

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