
Ashley Poems

Freedom's song is one with many voices.
Its lyrics are of love, hope,
bravery, and courage.
Its instruments are played with the wisdom of many years.

What little we know we strut around with vigor.
Like a newborn bird brags that it can fly.
We use what is of want unlike the wise and necessity.

Must you be so difficult so
as to find pleasure in only extravagance.
Must it be only the diamond, or he silk, or the heel, or the hair
that is worth enough to wear.

I remember it clearly,
As though it happened yesterday.
In fact as though it happened today.
For that is how reply it touched me.

I can be hit
I can be struck
I can be rammed down with a truck

You want my pity
You want my tears
But I only shed my tears for those who are worth it

The Best Poem Of Ashley

Freedom's Song

Freedom's song is one with many voices.
Its lyrics are of love, hope,
bravery, and courage.
Its instruments are played with the wisdom of many years.
Its tune is that of a long and hard journey.
It is played in the minds of the rich and the poor.
The needy and the needed.
The receivers and the givers.
It is felt in the hearts of the true Americans.
Freedom's song is meant to be a light in the dark,
a lake in the desert.
Freedom's song is the song of the people.

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