Bashyam Narayanan Poems

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Life Just 10% Of What Happens And 90% Of How You React

Life 10% what happens and 90% your reaction on the happenings

We are free to choose
Our response in any given situation

A Mourned Celebration

Just four days back
It was all a celebration

The only son in the family

Artist Or Hurt(Ist)

Artists have special tastes
They display their talents
To please the
Audience, if direct

Take The Human Race To New Heights Of Sophistication

Nature blessed me with
Great many things

The one gift I rate quite high is

Keep The Chain Of Human Race Unbroken

Made in heaven
Are marriages
Is an adage
But this phrasing is slowly assuming

To A Mother In The Making

I thank you on behalf of the entire human kind for having chosen to become a mother.

A great mother you should be as you ensure the continuance of a genetic order, a wonder design of nature.
You are not only the mother of child you bear, but a global mother taking care of all with your kindness and affection to the little one, you are helping to land.

Take A Pain And Make A Gain

Only if there is a pain
There is a gain
And if there is a gain
There was a pain

That Child, My Mentor

That child, my mentor

On my return from the temple

My New Found Dad

I belong to a household
Which was considered rich and affluent
In the neighborhood
My grandfather, grandmother, mother and brother

People-In-Love Stay Hurt Ever

Some friends of mine
Consider that
I may be a solution-finder
To some of their problems

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