Bashyam Narayanan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
How Much Sinful Are Thee?

Sin, what is your understanding
Mine is this
Any act that will have reasons
For you to regret later is a sin

It Was A Less Mourned Death

A person of strong
Likes and dislikes
Expressed his feelings
Irrespective of their

I Stand Alone Away From You Desanctified And Disfigured

It was a brightly lit afternoon
I saw a four legged machine
Descending on me slowly

I came to life
With a gentle electrical shock
And a mild tremor
When an egg from my mother’s ovary

Sail Through Your Emotions, Don'T Sink

Life, people say, a journey
Indeed, it is a journey through emotions
Life turns dry
If it is without that

Water, The Matter

Is the one source from
Which all living things originated

A Butterfly Finds Its Way Back

A butterfly finds its way back

It was a drift from the path
It took place sometime back

Try A Cry

Crying is an emotional outburst
Of a discomforting situation
Accompanied by shedding tears
And sobbing, which may last longer

This Day Last Year

This day last year
20 June 2012
We saw off a soul
His mortal remains

The Birth Day That Came Immediately After Marriage

The birth day that came immediately after marriage
We were married in the first fortnight of September
It was an arranged marriage
My mother’s elder sister came out with this alliance

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