Bashyam Narayanan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Shared Dreams And Dark Lane

Shared dreams and dark lane

There is a dark lane
En-route from a temple I visit in the evening

Frightening Fifty Seven

Frightening fifty seven

I was a bright student in the class
Those days while studying third grade

The Biggest Theft

The biggest theft

I was ten or eleven
When this happened

Mid-Day Misadventure

Mid-day misadventure

I was a student of third grade
Was good at studies

Between Mothers' Day And Fathers' Day

I am the second daughter in my family
We belong to a remote village
In Sothern India

Read And Just Not Recite

My grandson
Has been watching us

Waste Must Be A Waste

Waste must be a waste
We declare something waste
If we find no use of it anymore
A number of such wastes

I Will Love Myself First

I am a flower
With a set of eight long petals
Shaped a bit long oval
Coloured sky-blue at the bottom

What Is And What Is Not Love

Love is not
Always exchanging pleasantries
It requires greater love
To stand by and support

The Power Of Advertisement

That little boy looks for his kitty cash holder
All around his house and at last finds it
Shakes the same to ensure the availability of his savings
Moves off the house, travels in a tiny little boat

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