Bernard Ceasar

Bernard Ceasar Poems

Out of the ground
comes a root that has no form-
it has no beauty
in which one can adore-

You have damaged my heart so many times
and have made no attempt to correct it
now I am letting you know that our love is on the line
cause when you had me-you refused me-abused me

Some say that loneliness is only a state of mind
but for me, it is 24/7-it is reality
and one day true love is what I hope to find

A foster parent is a person who provides care
for children who are unable to live with their natural or biological parents because in most cases,
their natural or biological parents often developed and maintained unreasonable habits-

A queen is a wife,
or a widow of a king-
she is the treasure and throne
to every male being

Love me unconditionally,
make this a full commitment-
take my heart completely-
let's make this thing more intimate

All I want for Christmas is to be with you-
to forever have-n-hold you
is what I am looking forward to-
and in the future, it will be my greatest desire

Together Forever(written11-4-03)

Together forever is what you and I can be
two friends coming together making their dreams become reality

True survival is learning to live one day at a time
in spite of the sorrows and pain
and the tears which flow from your eyes
because inside a flame of hope remains

It is not I,
but that which you see
consult with my producer-my creator-
for I am His production-His creation

It does not matter-
your place of origination
neither should you allow anything or anyone
to hinder you from arriving at your destination

For all that you have done, are doing, and will continue to do
I am honored and grateful to God
that He has given me you

In my eyes
I see a love hesitantly fading
as one who seeks to find his gold at the end of the rainbow-
in vain, I am awaiting

Don't believe the hype-
all the put-downs, negativity, and sterotypes,
but know that not anyone can judge you because of certain things that you have done,
nor should they judge you by the color of your skin,

In the words of Marvin Gaye, “…what’s going on…”
So many people are robbing, stealing, and killing
Trying to obtain their own-

Peace in God-
you will find-
but you must decide-

The Best Poem Of Bernard Ceasar

A Root Out Of Dry Ground(Parti) (Inspired By Tupac’s Poem A Rose That Grew From Concrete)

Out of the ground
comes a root that has no form-
it has no beauty
in which one can adore-

It was created
to live in obscurity
and its color has faded
which takes away its delicacy

While springing-up into this world
this root grew tall
and sprouted-as it swirled

and with noone around
to nourish it with care,
this root still prospered
in spite of despair

abused and neglected
it never nestled
nor was it accepted-
and although it carries a sound
it remains,
a root,
out of dry ground.

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