bill costley

bill costley Poems

To & with Patricia

'I've had a wonderful life''
you say 3 times; 'I've had


for Eileen Savel


Corrine & Bonnie,

to Patricia

All the love
you filled your life with

Baking for 1 hr. in the oven
will become an extravagance
no one can afford in a world
of desperate energy scarcity.

On our group walk back from the trio, all talking,

you point out the half-MOON, & I call out

half-MOON, Venus, blue night sky

with Patricia Hughes



I'm finally learning
how essential

Millions of parisiens
stand before the Tour Eiffel
shutting down quickly
on a massive film noir,

Cast: Narrator, Reggie, Bill.

N: It's daybreak & Reggie awakens,
looks down, & sees Bill's asleep, then

Physical memory awakens
after taking my pills:

I crave the flaky,

Paid mercenaries play cards.

People risking death play spades.

spew gun-addicts'
ka-powered fears.


If you were to ask me:
What have I achieved
as a poet? I'd answer:

to a baptism, to your child's
first grammar-school play,
to a first holy communion,
to a confirmation, to a wedding,

Ne portez pas d'arme
à un baptême, au gala
de l'école primaire de votre enfant,
à une première communion

Ne prenez pas d'arme 'a feu pour aller
Aun bapteme, 'a la premiere piece de theatre
de votre enfant au lyce'e
A une confirmation, a un mariage

the body
burns slowly
for a lifetime,

In the cool of the evening
of naieve-nationalist 4th
rumbling vollies explode

not far enuf from my windows,

Most of my adult life
I assumed I was progressing.

Now they're saying 'going forwards'

bill costley Biography

poet, playwright, journalist, blogger; amateur bass-baritone)

The Best Poem Of bill costley

A Wonderful Life!

To & with Patricia

'I've had a wonderful life''
you say 3 times; 'I've had
a very (wonderful) life'

you say as you stand & smile
at 3 framed prints of Vietnamese
children at play they gave you.

I've never seen you so contented;
you turn 74 tomorrow.

(29 OCT 14, V V Santa Clara CA) v4

bill costley Comments

Bill Costley (poet) 31 July 2018

We can all be here together. Come on in!

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