Bill Mitton Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Song Of The Atheist

There are no giants, save for egos.
We all enter the world,
to the fanfare of our own wailing
and the cries of our mother'snatal pain.

God's Dog

God's dog he barketh never
His tail is ever still
For heaven hath no cats to taunt
Nor rabbits yet to kill

Days Like These

On days like these there is no other song
just the soft duet of gull and sea
no perfume sweeter than the scent
of salt upon the warm gentle breeze


What did I think was I doing here?
This was no old man*s cruise.
These waves belonged to the
Fresh faced, twenty something, sailors.

To Make Stone Sing

In fashioning Stone to give a song in every turning,
by giving flow to glass that is not molten,
placing a dancing step within a twist of steel,
bringing life and warmth to wood long dead,

Defying Gravity (Amongst Other Things)

It’s quite a simple thing to do
just between gravity
And you.
Natural laws are binding?

The God Of Albert Road

Much like any other God
most people
never saw him coming.
Yet when he spoke

Albert Potter Is Not Dead!

Albert Potter isn't dead
It were just a bloody lie
In fact, apart from athlete's foot
he's as fit as you or I

A Question

And the barbed wire never ceases
And the craters never fill.
The guns are made and the guns are sold
And in the end they kill.

A Friendship Trilogy

I hear her cry, once again, she is alone.
Once again natures clock dictates a mate.

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