Biswajit Goswami

Biswajit Goswami Poems

My love is on the road!

Let it be gone, so far, it must go.... I have now a freedom and independence to cover a long long street, my solitary slumber.

Endless centuries ago, Man, by loving you,
Had stood on society's chest with an arrow to his bow,
Hence, He is silent at else's norm.
In the lull of time, He sleeps in the insides of the earth;

Sun, do shine brighter today. I am crossing the bridge of love and going down to the Lake where moroseness waits for me. Thou give more light to earth so that he witnesses my bathe with melancholy.

I have one belief. Almighty'll touch my feet someday in this century of pathos. Do I remain alive till then? Alone but with you? going to the darkness, me, falling from the star, shall I remain alive?

Here, in the Eternity, once did we stand and walked, touching fire and rain. Today, the camel-like-solitude falls; again do we walk and stand and go!

Feel this table- - the Portrait of the last Century; they do stare at this, vacant- -do kiss, considering it to be the newest of all. At every night, do they appear, hang themselves between Moroseness and Water. O my Homelessness, thou exalt me from the Hell! We survive...

being her warmest colour,
at supper,

The Best Poem Of Biswajit Goswami


My love is on the road!

Let it be gone, so far, it must go.... I have now a freedom and independence to cover a long long street, my solitary slumber.

Not behind you, I walk, but one truth bound soul whom I nourish'd with a serene darkness.

I had a spirit that is given already. You must fly; do ruin, do ruin! Fly thou, my wizard, in a starry night sky. the moon must overwh'lm her luster on thy gray wings. Thou art more elegant.

I shall wander with a magnanimous strength: spiritless but with a broken torso.

I move, well, like red in the vein and uproot the root from Bed of Paradise.

Shantih! The eternal peace forever!

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