Bob Gotti Poems

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Demeaning God

Mother Nature and Father Time, are wacky forces of man’s design,
By fallen man as a substitute, for God as an unbelievable resolute;
We can’t forget Old Man Winter; he is one more deceptive splinter,
In that spiritual coffin they make, when The Lord God they forsake.

Former Days

We were blessed in former days, because of many righteous ways,
As God was exalted in the Nation, and we leaned on His Revelation,
But, today we’re void of Holy Scripture, as God is not in the picture,
The times get darker every day, as the Nation chooses a darker way.

From Saul To Paul

Saul was a very zealous Pharisee, committed to The God of Eternity,
A circumcised Hebrew of Hebrews, opposed to Christ’s Good News,
Saul threatened to murder anyone, who avowed belief in God’s Son,
Fomenting great hatred and strife, against That Way of Jesus Christ.

Moving On

Moving on through God’s Grace, within this life to a new place,
A new place prepared by God, upon this temporal earthly sod,
With new trials along the way, but, God’s with us night and day,
And in this steadfast anticipation, we enter into every situation.

God’s Story Of Grace

This darkened world and all its fury, is not the end of God’s Story,
In a world, which gets darker friend, as you page down to the end.
A story that began with three, God, The Son and Spirit of Eternity,
When God’s creation was so right; a Paradise of Peace and Light.

Purpose In My Trial

Every minute, hour, every morning, He is with me into evening,
And He’s with me all night long, as He fills my heart with song,
A song that carries me all day, as I walk along that narrow way,
In the most trying time of my life, I’m led along by Jesus Christ.

Inspired By God

All of Scripture is God inspired, thus useful for our daily walk,
For by God it’s more than desired, that our life reflect our talk.
Teaching, correcting and training, in the way of righteousness,
All spoken by Him pertaining, to a Christian’s walk of holiness.

When All Will See

One day soon many will see, Jesus Christ returning in His Majesty,
The many, which I speak of, shall be snatched by Christ up above.
They are those who in Christ abide, Christ’s very own Eternal Bride,
Who will meet Christ in the clouds, along with other Saintly crowds.

Heart Choices

All that I need is a willing heart, and The Lord will do all the rest,
Heeding His Word at the start, He will help me through any test.
My faith in The Lord is my part, as He helps me to do my best,
As God’s Spirit does not depart, giving me His peace and rest.

Off The Throne

They go ahead on their own, by taking Christ off the throne,
Off the throne of their heart, as His narrow way they depart,
Giving very little thought, what the choice to all will wrought,
As The Spirit is ignored, since they say they know The Lord.

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