Bob Gotti Poems

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Peace For The Future

With our dark journey behind, we need from God, peace of mind,
Regarding just what our future holds, as this present life unfolds,
God needs to help all my family, to see He’s still God of Eternity,
Ways He used to help us through, God above will continue to do.

Refusing To Believe

Some men just refuse to believe, in a God they cannot conceive,
In their heart or in their mind, so they put all Truth of God behind,
Following yet, man’s empty ideas, as Satan continually deceives,
Through empty theories of men, empty beliefs God will condemn.

No Man Knows

No man knows the day or hour, when The Lord shows His Power,
Coming for the Church of God, to take men from the earth’s sod,
When only those who truly believe, Christ, The Lord shall receive,
On our Lord’s predetermined Day, regardless what men shall say.


How clueless many can be, as they ignore the God of eternity,
Not only about things to come, but clueless about God’s Son,
They may even profess Christ, yet God doesn’t guide their life,
Not only is God not their lead, but, His Word, they do not read.

Disciples Commissioned

We’ve been sent on a mission, to fulfill the Great Commission,
It is to share God’s Revelation; of our Lord’s work of salvation,
God’s Truth, revealed in Christ, Truth that offers all Eternal Life,
A work, finished by Christ Jesus, with only faith required by us;


Different faiths can surely coexist, but a larger concern is missed,
Men who gather of different belief, to foster man’s temporal relief,
From all that opposition and strife, while living together in this life,
But, this man manufactured peace, shall indeed in due time cease.

Walking In Assurance

Walking in peace and very assured, is a soul that knows the Lord,
Knowing Him as Lord and Savior, not simply as a God or Creator,
But embracing the work of Christ, so to walk with Him in New Life.
Not following likes of religious men, but by God, now Born Again.

The Spirit Of God

Friend, as the wind tends to blow, not knowing where it will go,
Or from the place it has come, but we will see what it has done.
So it is with The Spirit friend, The Spirit that Christ would send.
The third person of The Godhead, sent just like Christ had said.

The Spirit Is Willing

The Holy Spirit inside is willing, through The Lord’s Holy filling,
But our flesh can be weak, even when we’re humble and meek.
When fleshly desires are strong, inner thoughts may be wrong,
Which leads many hearts to stray, from The Lord’s narrow way.

The Narrow Way

Narrow thinking is the only way; everything else is stubble and hay.
The sin of arrogance and of pride, is the reason why our Jesus died.
Even Jesus had intolerant views, and He’s the author of Good News.
For Jesus said “I am the Way”; a pretty bold statement for one to say.

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