Bob Gotti Poems

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Real Peace

Groups of men try to broker peace, in that land of troubled seas,
Seas of people from every side; men that have no peace inside.
Religious men upon their knees, are not moved by human pleas,
Men’s pleas to stop the violence, wrapped in a false benevolence.

So Many Just Don’t Know

So many people just don’t know, when they die, where they will go.
For there is a Heaven up ahead, and there is a hell below to dread.
So many people just aren’t sure, where they’ll spend for evermore.
But there’s no need for us to fear, for the Word of God is very clear.

Are You Growing?

Are you growing in The Lord, or does His teaching go ignored?
Has He in you made a change, or do you simply live the same?
Has His Word within your heart, sincerely given change a start?
Or does the change you begin, get hampered by your daily sin?

Future Glory

Through God’s Glory we shall shine, up in the Heavens for all of time.
Saved by Christ’s matchless Love, to shine forever in Heaven above.
Though the wicked don’t understand, we give Glory to the Son of Man.
Although He lives, He died for us, bringing Glory to our frames of dust.

End With A Friend

There is a Savior you can know, who truly is our friend indeed.
He is one to whom you can go, when you’re in a time of need.
When your world is ebbing low, His direction you want to heed.
In God’s strength you can grow, when you give Christ the lead.

Blessed Anticipation

There’s blessing for all who wait, for the rapture and anticipate,
The soon return of our Lord, with the promise of eternal reward,
If longing, in a heart does burn, for the appearing of His return,
That soul will receive in the end, a crown from Christ, my friend.

Abandoning God’s Gospel

Today many gospels may go around, but, many are just not sound,
Many men preach a gospelly goop, with little Truth in religious soup,
As there’s no meat in their broth, for men who feed from that trough,
Those pulpits of the broader way, as they lead men spiritually astray.

His Name In Vain

There is no God, some insist, and live as though He does not exist,
They live daily in opposition to, The God embraced by me and you;
Changing His Name to nature’s mother, denying Him to one another,
Yet, His Name is heard everywhere, from men who truly do not care.

Believing Not

Looking at earth and all involved, there are mysteries to be solved,
From below the sea up to the sky, yet many have embraced the lie,
There is no God, all has evolved, and so their hearts have resolved,
To believe not Truth, but Satan’s Lie, and so they shall eternally die.

Secure Eternally

Not knowing what God is doing, you can always be assured,
When He has anything brewing, it’s for the Glory of our Lord,
Friend, every single jot and tittle, penned by God for our life,
No matter how large or little, is for the Praise of Jesus Christ.

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