Bob Gotti Poems

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Missing A Sense Of Urgency

Weekly we hear the Pastor preach, about hearts and souls to reach,
Truths that we have often heard, expounded from God’s Holy Word,
Eternal Truths all believers must heed, about our world and its need,
That need, which is eternal friend, for every soul, this world will end.

Straying Towards Apostasy

Fix your eyes on The Creator, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,
For He is God and He is good, and will sustain the Brotherhood,
All those who received His Love, who He bought with His Blood,
On the Cross, on Mount Calvary, to give them New Life eternally.

How Merry Is Christmas?

Many who say Merry Christmas, regarding Truth, are totally oblivious,
To the meaning behind this phrase, that we hear in these darker days.
Darker because The Light which came, many men today do not claim,
All Truth and Light being God’s Son, who came to earth for everyone.

Lack Of Knowledge

God spoke to His people Israel, His purpose for them in His Will,
Saying they would be destroyed, by Judgment He couldn’t avoid,
This from their lack of knowledge, not elementary or even college,
But the knowledge of their Lord, and that His Will wasn’t implored.

From The Nation Israel

It is The Lord who reigns on high, directing the lives of you and I,
Blessing those who come to Him, rebuking all, who remain in sin,
The same applies to nations too, in a promise to a righteous Jew,
Within God’s Promise to Abraham, He’ll bless or curse each land.

When He Tarries No More

Why does the Lord tarry so long, when all about us seems so wrong?
As many oppose Truth and Light, deceived by the prince of the night,
Bathing souls in spiritual darkness, suggesting all is wonderfully bliss,
And prior Christ’s return, it’s a sure bet, it will get spiritually darker yet.

Intellectual Intelligence

Intellectually smart are many today, but are lost in the spiritual fray,
Intelligent but, spiritually ignorant, about Truth, which God has sent,
Truth that surpasses present time; Truth without end by His Design,
Eternal Truth, that leads men to see, soon all must face an eternity.

Cast Your Bread Upon The Waters

We may, to someone, hand a tract, and never receive anything back,
In the way of thanks or gratitude, while sometimes only their attitude,
Maybe a scoffing gesture or worse, the evil utterance of one’s curse,
Still, upon the waters cast your bread, thinking upon Eternity instead.

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift man has received, was from Heaven, and conceived,
In the very heart and mind of God, and delivered unto this earthly sod.
That gift to man was our Salvation, and given by God, to every nation,
That gift to all from our Creator, was Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Amiss At Christmas

Many people offer others amiss, sharing with them on Christmas,
Taking this day to share a gift, that creates in some a spiritual rift,
Sharing not the Gift that God sent, which moves sinners to repent,
And change the day to celebrate, the Gift to all, greater than great.

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