Bob Gotti Poems

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Truth For All

There is a Truth for all to behold, a need that never grows old,
One sound Truth under the sun, to be addressed by everyone,
A Truth that’s meant for all, isn’t embraced because of the fall.
As Satan darkens the heart, from this Truth, many men depart.

Those Left Behind

Right after the trumpet sound, Christians on earth won’t be found,
For all Believers will be with, that One who was God’s perfect Gift.
While those left behind will enter in, a time lead by the Man of Sin,
Partnered with the devil who, today deceives men like me and you.

All Has Been Done

All the work has been done for us, and all men need to do is trust,
In the finished work God has done, by trusting fully, in God’s Son.
And all that God wants us to be, isn’t accomplished by you or me,
For all is done through the Lord, any vain effort should be ignored.


Pray all are ripe for Truth we speak,
And the Spirit moves on all we seek,
As we share Eternal Truth with them,
This, while we seek to reach all men.

We Have Peace

We focus where we need to be, not on present trouble, but Eternity,
Trouble like waves, disturbs calm, but, we’re in His awesome palm,
Through the troubling times ahead, we won’t fill with fear and dread,
When we focus on Truths we know, as this life’s trials come and go.

I Need To Lean On You

Lord I need to lean upon you, to do those things only you can do,
As you move on the hearts of man, with ways only your Spirit can,
Moving upon a troubled heart, beyond all words I’m able to impart,
Healing hurts I cannot reach, beyond those words I tend to preach.

Ways Unfounded

God moves in ways we think not, when Godly faith becomes our lot,
Living daily, our faith prescribed, by He who lives, although He died.
Christ now lives, guiding those, following in faith, the One who rose,
Guiding us with Staff and Rod, is our Shepherd, our friend and God.

Effort To Live For God

As one would run for exercise, there is a race in order to be wise,
Not wisdom unto worldly ways, but, Godly Wisdom to His praise.
Effort on our part, we must expend, for Godliness to be our end,
As we set forth into this race, through The Spirit, by God’s Grace.

What If We Could See Ahead?

With times looking so very bleak, what if we could take a peek?
Of things that lie ahead for us, those who walk with Christ Jesus.
As it is Christ and Christ alone, who plots the path of all His own,
Man’s destined path, to fulfill, not man’s purpose, but God’s will.

Are We In The Apostasy?

Community service is fine and well, but, what about Heaven and Hell?
And God’s message we’re to proclaim, serving in our Savior’s Name?
What happened to the Church of God, sent out by Christ on this sod?
Are we living in that Apostasy, which Paul warned would come to be?

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