Bob Gotti Poems

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In God’s Hands

All the world is in God’s Hands, this world in general understands,
And believers put their trust in God, as they walk this earthly sod.
However, there’s one other side, where Truth and God are denied,
As many live on their own means, chasing after temporal dreams.

God’s Full Blessing

For my God to fully bless you, you need to know the Savior too,
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who came to give all New Life.
God bless you, men do say, but do they know God’s Only Way?
Without His Son, don’t bother, to seek full blessing of the Father.

Tough Choices

There are choices to be made, this when and if, you are saved,
Saved by God from a life of sin, that your life be given to Him,
To The Lord, Jesus Christ, who saved you giving you New Life,
New Life, through a new birth, to be His testimony on this earth.

Assurance From God

The Lord with a promise to fulfill, would send His Eternal Son to Israel,
To save His people from their sin, when the baby Jesus would enter in,
Sending Him into that tiny nation, as Messiah delivering their salvation,
A prophecy from back in Paradise, pointing all people to Jesus Christ.

Are You Just Saved?

Just saved or have you been converted, while in a world so perverted?
With heart and mind transformed, no longer desirous to be conformed.
Do you have a truly repentant heart, to desire from old ways to depart?
To now walk in ways that Glorify, The Lord above, Who reigns on High.

Sooner Or Later

Yes, in time, sooner or later, all will know there’s nothing greater,
Nothing at all upon this earth, that offers men such eternal worth,
No possession, yet know to man, can match God’s Eternal Plan,
The Father’s Offer of Eternal Life, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Progressively Worse

Said to have a progressive mind, as they leave all morals behind,
Going on with a new code of life, while immorality all about is rife,
Progressing with a liberal cause, with no thought or even a pause,
To what the Lord God has said, and bring upon us fear and dread.

What Was Christmas For?

What was Christmas truly for, as on the Season we close that door?
As a New Year for all starts, and the Christmas Season now departs.
Does the Christmas spirit depart, from each and every human heart?
As Christmas trim is tucked away, will the spirit in some hearts stay?

Truly A New Year

With the New Year ahead for all; everyone upon this terrestrial ball,
Twelve more months, another year, for all upon this earthly sphere,
What ahead for you will change, when so much remains the same?
Are more New Year resolutions, in the coming year truly solutions?

The Christmas Message

The Christmas message we must herald, is Christ came for all the world,
When Our Lord left His Eternal Throne, to come to a people all His Own,
As Christ came to the nation Israel, as the Word of Prophecy He’d fulfill,
John the Baptist witnessed for Him, coming to save His people from sin.

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