Bob Gotti Poems

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Temporally Deluded?

Are you clinging to this earth, or is your hope towards Heaven?
Have you experienced New Birth, or caught in religious leaven?
Is your hope in this world, or are you seated above with Christ?
In a time, to be soon unfurled, that begins an endless Paradise.

Evolving Lies

Things which are set, do not evolve, this, my friend, is my resolve,
Holding fast to The Lord God, Who, reigns above this earthly sod,
Trusting in God's Eternal Word, not just suggestions to be inferred,
But Truth from the mouth of The Lord, Truth that cannot be ignored.

But One Way

Do you survey each possibility, to reach Heaven for eternity?
There's many ways you can find, out of man's exalted mind,
Many teachers reach out to man, with another salvation plan,
Many say, every way my friend, will reach Heaven in the end.

Violence Fills The Earth

As the earth fills with violence, there seems to be much silence,
In the professing Body of Christ, regarding darkness in this life,
Of the things believers are told, the love of most will grow cold,
Has that coldness hindered us, form speaking for Christ Jesus?

Environmental Concerns

Many cry about the environment, ignoring the One God had sent,
The One, Who created all we see, The Lord God, over all eternity,
It is He, Who above earth reigns; as all things alone, He sustains,
Needing not any cause of man, in accomplishing His eternal plan.

Vainly Irreverent

So many words used in vain, especially, God's Awesome Name,
For God doesn't damn things, as an empty phrase of man rings,
He damns nations and countries, all the lands found in the seas,
And the peoples in each land, who against God take their stand.

With Darkness Looming

With darkness looming now, the question for us is, why and how?
The question's for God's Church, while weekly in a pew they perch,
Learning in God's Word each week, yet, at times we do not speak,
As right has now becomes wrong, we have become a quiet throng.

Where's The Urgency?

Shouldn't we have a true urgency, about this thing we call eternity?
While we are in this temporal time, to help change a thinking mind;
Shouldn't those in the Body of Christ, have an urgency in this life?
Urgency for family and friend, knowing that Grace could soon end!

Time To Stand Opposed

Truth may be black and white, but some choose the dark of night,
When it comes to political views, many simply shift and just muse.
Thinking of all, but God's Word, ignoring Truths that they've heard,
Truths which should be our light, in this world where wrong is right.

Each Day In His Hands

I may not know what happens today, as The Lord guides the way,
But, my times are in His hands, in ways no one truly understands,
I may even purpose within my heart, while a new day has its start,
But God directs the path I take, He's in charge, make no mistake.

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