Bob Gotti Poems

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The Good With The Bad

We seem to accept all the good, from God as it comes our way,
But, then God is misunderstood, when we come to a darker day,
Everyone knows that in our life, trials indeed are bound to come,
And men must lean on Jesus Christ, the Lord God’s Eternal Son.

From The Heart

Freed from all our sin and shame, when we profess His Name,
When in our heart we believe, the Saving Truth that we receive.
It’s with our mouth we confess, and The Lord does all the rest,
As a sinner, by God, is saved, from a life that is so depraved.

I Am Not Religious

My friend, religious I am not, when by you I’m put on the spot,
My belief is found in only one; God’s Only Risen, Eternal Son.
This isn’t a belief found in men, but, in one who died for them,
And Christ, who died, rose again, to offer New Life to all men.

Many Who Never Heard

Let the truth be known to all of us, who in God have placed their trust,
There are many who’ve never heard, the Truths we find in God’s Word.
They may believe in a power above, but know not God’s amazing love,
The love we find at the cross, where He displayed His love for the lost.

God’s Revelation

Only through God’s Revelation, can one come to true salvation,
The Revelation of God’s Son, Christ, who’d come for everyone,
The salvation Christ came with, was from God an awesome gift,
A Gift from God for all the world, you and I both need to herald.

On A Treadmill

On a treadmill, designed by him, the one who fills our life with sin,
Making us too busy to seek God, while we agree and simply nod.
He is the enemy of the Cross, and wants to fill our life with dross,
As we go about another day, in that same old frenzied, busy way.

God Makes Things Happen

Only God can make things happen, as we travel through this life,
Guiding those saved from sin, through the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Only God can change the heart, which is firmly set in all its ways,
In order to from present sin depart, into a new life of better days.

God’s Trophies

I am but one trophy of God’s Grace, to be displayed in every place,
Each and every place, which I go, for His Matchless Grace to show.
God’s trophy for all eyes to see, what God’s Grace has done in me,
God’s trophy is my changed life, of what He’s done in Jesus Christ.

Signs In Religion

Soon I’ll be with God in Heaven, far above the religious leaven,
When I see my Savior’s face, as I’m transformed by His Grace.
It’s not getting better my friend, but, looking more like the end,
As the Bible described to us, before the return of Christ Jesus.

Daily Concerns

Another task along the way, I need to turn to God and pray,
Turning to my Lord in prayer, casting to God one more care,
Through the Spirit of His Son, until this task at hand is done,
Knowing that God will hear it, through His ever present Spirit.

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